Traveling Bells

Last Wednesday morning hubby and I packed the SUV and headed toward South Lake Tahoe to meet up with the Traveling Bells. They hail from Georgia and have traveled much of the world.

I’ve known Sandy since around 2006 (blogging buddy), and we met her and her husband on a Carnival Bloggers Cruise in February of 2011. When she told us they were going to be in South Lake Tahoe we were in.

We arrived at their Moho mid-afternoon and had a glass of champagne after some hugs and then I got to pet the kitties. Missy was more interested in napping, but KC loved being scratched. Both of them are adorable. We made plans for dinner at seven and hubby and I were off to Harrah’s to check in and get settled.

We met Dick and Sandy in the hotel lobby and went to the Forest Buffet on the 18th floor for dinner.

Image Credit: Click on Image

We spent a great deal of time catching up and then it was time for pictures and calling it a day. I’m so happy that we got to celebrate our birthdays by reconnecting with good friends. Blogging has been so wonderful for me because I’ve met so many bloggers. When you get to see each other again it’s even more special. Thanks for the birthday gifts and the wonderful dinner Dick and Sandy. We love you both.

Image Credit: Virtual Tahoe