Seymour #26

Well Seymour and Element have returned home.

Attorney Clay Feet has been successful in his law suits filed on our behalf against the Pebble Beach Gambling Syndicate and the separate suit against Julia Sandstone and her father Defrocked Judge Jeremy Sandstone.

His suits brought about the elimination of Elements gambling debts and his contingency fee has completely paid our attorney bills and promised to bring us a substantial rosy rock nest.

Alas as things go it simply doesn’t turn out the way you thought or wanted.

We had a knock at the door and Mary Granite was in the living room and answered the knock. There stood Brad Flint, Private Investigator and process server for Attorney Clay Feet. He was here to deliver the check we were anticipating. Mary and Brad locked eyes and were instantly in love. Before we had an opportunity to turn over a rock, they both were in his boulder carrier and took off with our money no less. We have heard from neither of them since.

We called Das Skunk who informed Seymour. The pain and anguish that poor Seymour is now suffering has brought new meaning to the term, blood from a stone. We truly wish the best for Seymour and Element in their next adventures.

Post Script:

A package came through the mail from the Society for Critically Altered Relationships for Seymour’s son, Seymour II. SCAR is apparently an organization helping those traumatized by relationship issues.

We were not aware but Seymour II has had an ongoing relationship with his mother Julia and his grandfather the Judge over the time that Seymour was absent. This entire time while Daddy was here, Seymour II was working with Mom, Grandpa and Mary Granite to payback Seymour for abandonment.

We are forwarding an application to Das Skunk for Seymour to complete to SCAR.

“Shoot fire, heck a brick!”

Image Credit: This Next