Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.

Last week I posted Thanksgiving main and side dishes. I thought it only proper to post Thanksgiving desserts. For those that celebrate Thanksgiving may your day be filled with peace, good food, family and friends.

November22Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, image-in-ing, Keith, Cathy, Sara, Esme Salon, CatSynth, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. MICE & RAMEN3. My Mind’s Eye
4. messymimi5. bethere2day6. Lost & Found
7. Jackie’s Photo Blog8. Ana Linden9. MCoW
10. Image-in-ing11. Keith’s Ramblings12. Senior Salon
13. Suzana14. Comedy15. Esme Salon
16. A ShutterBug17. mail4rosey18. InkTorrents
19. Zoolatry20. Xmas Dolly21. Animal Shelter Life
22. Suzana23. My GBGV Life24. Tidbits and Stuff
25. Ramblin’ with AM26. Brian’s Home Blog27. CatBlogosphere
28. 15andmeowing29. The LLB Life30. Mid-Week News
31. Claws of Terror32. Dr. Basil33. Gattina
34. Flower of the Day35. C. A. & Anita36. O Dani Girl
37. DonnaleeQ38. CatSynth39. Mom & Beau
40. Cloudia Honolulu41. Friends FurEver42. Wordless Photo
43. Tipperary!44. Patrick Weseman45. MewDiaries
46. Roentare Blog47. His Daily Photo48. Melbourne Candid
49. Foguth50. Shiju Sugunan51. Colleen
52. Rusty Ring53. Carmen54. Masha
55. NatureFootstep56. Pisi Prkl57. MM&TW
58. Meezers Mews59. Ruby & Angels60. Reverend Ken

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76 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Marie M./Xmasdolly says:

    Can I have Second’s! HAPPY HAPPY TURKEY, my Sista to you and yours! Don’t eat too much now save some for PUMPKIN PIE w. Nice Cream!!! Woo Hoo! Luvin’ your feast here cuz I’ll take one of those & one of those & one of those… & one of those… and oh hell put it all in a bag to the top!!! hehehehe YUM & HAPPY THANKSGIVING MY SISTA TO YOU & YOURS! Luv ya so much!!! HUGS

  2. Suzana says:

    Fantastic view and very tasty. You have to know that I tried them all. And like magic, the stock grew again…
    Thank you so much, Sandee!
    Happy WW and a fine week! And thank you for keeping my reflexions, here
    in your home. Hugs! ❤️😘

    • Sandee says:

      Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. Most appreciated. Help yourself to the goodies. I took all the calories out. Hugs to you and scritches to the kitties. 🙂

    • Sandee says:

      Someone asked what my favorite Thanksgiving side dish was. First I said potatoes and gravy, but the truth is it’s cold pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream. 🙂

  3. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Naturally, you have to have desserts to display. I actually think you should’ve done that first but I understand your line of thinking…first the sensible foods and then then the goodies. You didn’t want to set a bad example for the youngins, right? 😀 Have a delightfully warm, relaxing, and fun Thanksgiving, darling Sandee! xo

    • Sandee says:

      We’re planning on a quiet and peaceful day tomorrow. It’s just me and Zane and our precious new kitty Lil’ Bit. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Cathy. Love and hugs. 🙂

  4. A ShutterBug Explores says:

    Wow! That is one veritable feast ~ still prefer the traditional of apple and pumpkin/squash pie ~ lol ~

    Lots of Thanksgiving hugs to you from me and Ziggy ~ Xos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. messymimi's meanderings says:

    It looks delicious!

    I pray you and Mr. Zane have a blessed and beautiful Happy Thanksgiving. Give Lil’ Bit a scrap of something good for me.

    • Sandee says:

      We’re starting our day right now. Having coffee and Lil’ Bit and dad are having a conversation about something. May you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving, my friend. Hugs. 🙂

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