Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.

Popeye Village

July19Image Credit: Click on Image

Popeye Village, also known as Sweethaven Village, is a purpose-built film set village that has been converted into a small attraction fun park, consisting of a collection of rustic and ramshackle wooden buildings. It is located at Prajjet Bay/Anchor Bay, 3 km (2 mi) from the village core of Mellieħa, Malta.

It was built as a film set for the production of the 1980 live-action musical feature film Popeye, produced by Paramount Pictures and Walt Disney Productions starring Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall. It is open to the public as an open-air museum and seaside resort. Source: Wikipedia

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, image-in-ing, Xmas Dolly, Keith, Cathy, Sara, Esme Salon, CatSynth, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. messymimi3. My Mind’s Eye
4. bethere2day5. MICE AND RAMEN6. MCoW
7. Image-in-ing8. Keith’s Ramblings9. Esme Salon
10. Ana Linden11. Bride and Groom12. A ShutterBug
13. Phamily Blog14. My Tata’s Cottage15. Gattina
16. Sognafaret17. Animal Shelter Life18. Xmas Dolly
19. Infidel75320. Zoolatry21. Roentare Blog
22. His Daily Photo23. Melbourne Candid24. Fortezza Castle
25. My GBGV Life26. O Dani Girl27. Deb Nance
28. Ramblin’ with AM29. Princesses30. Brian’s Home
31. Moonwashed32. 15andmeowing33. Fools Rush In
34. Patrick Weseman35. Ecology36. Brain Training
37. MidWeek News38. Driller’s Place39. Wordy Wednesday
40. CatBlogosphere41. DonnaleeQ42. mail4rosey
43. weekly photo44. Mommy Factor45. Patricia’s Place
46. Flower of the Day47. Kitties Blue48. The LLB Life
49. Miss Molly50. CatSynth51. Carmen
52. Shiju Sugunan53. Pisi Prkl54. Forgetfulone
55. Colleen56. Crafteverly57. Rusty Ring
58. NatureFootstep59. Lisa’s Garden60. Cloudia Honolulu
61. Mermaid?62. klara, Brussels63. Ruby & Angels
64. Roentare Blog65. His Daily Photo66. Street Candid
67. My Products68. Suzana69. Angrezi Dhaba
70. River Looseleaf

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92 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Marie Moody says:

    As you know Word hates me & things go where it wants to go no matter what I do. Well, I tried my old blog and WAH LAH! It worked in a matter of minutes. Oh sure, I need to brush up on a few things like sizing etc., but that’s not to bad! I hope you like what I’ve done. I love you Sis & thank you for everything that you do for me from the bottom of my heart. You helped me so much! SENDING BIG HUGS! My post is also at word… just sayin… it hates me!!!! 🙁 HAVE A GREAT DAY, MY SIS!!!! HUGS

      • XmasDolly aka Marie says:

        Yep, I do hate blogger, but at least the post goes where I want it to go only thing is I just noticed that never use an old Post. You taught me that… HOLY COW! I have 15 old comments… well, some of them, and it’s totally weird. Don’t ask me how that happened I have no idea, but live & learn as they say. I just saw my blog & gave the biggest sigh in the world. I got a headache… well, back to the drawing board. Luv ya & have a wonderful day!

  2. Infidel753 says:

    Leaving the film set standing as a resort is a great idea (assuming all the buildings are sturdy enough). I wish they would do this with more sets — some of them look awesome. Of course nowadays with everything being CGI, there’s nothing to leave up…..

  3. iannieam says:

    What a cute little village. Nice that they are putting it to good use after they finished filming. It would be fun to walk through there.

  4. Curious as a Cathy says:

    The rocks behind the buildings and the shoreline are so barren. It’s interesting that lush greenery and ocean makes this prettier. I remember the Popeye film with Robin Williams. He was such a good actor. Happy WW!

  5. MadSnapper says:

    Very interesting! love that village and would like to visit it. had no idea it existed. thanks for the info

  6. Wendy & Dani says:

    The village is so perfect it doesn’t seem real. The colour of the water is amazing, too It would make a lovely place to visit as long as it’s not a miniature..

  7. Alana Mautone says:

    I never saw the movie but I loved the Popeye cartoons when growing up. The scenery around that set/village is so rugged and the water color is beautiful. Alana ramblinwitham

  8. Cecilia Cofield Upchurch says:

    The water looks so very refreshing…it was 80 degrees here at 6a.m. and we still have smoke for Canadian fires. Due to all the horrible HEAT, HUMIDITY AND SMOKE I have only had 1 EMW in 5 weeks, there is a chance of significant rain later that will clear the air.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. DrillerAA says:

    It is nice to see one of these sets still in use. Many movie sets are simply abandoned after film production. There are sets from several Star Wars movies and Jurassic Park films that were just left to the elements. Even an island theme park or two have been abandoned by Disney once they became too small to meet the demand of visitors.

  10. Suzana says:

    Very interesting place! I did not realize that is possible to build a place only for some movies.
    Thank you for all the details, Sandee!
    Happy WW and a fine week! Hugs!❤️😘

  11. amandacatsynth says:

    It’s so interesting how the “village” outlasted the movie and that we can now visit it 😺
    Happy WW!

  12. EsmeSalon says:

    Pretty – love miniature villages
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  13. Marie Moody says:

    Thanks for not getting upset with me. I luvs ya so much! BIG HUGS & I want to go there!!! I would love to see that! Hubby loves amusement parks I just ride around and play games and I go on the Ferris Wheels and you know slow rides. My back would yell at me. hahahaha I love you & thank you for being you!!!! I’m so glad I met you my Sista! HUGS… Your sista forever & always!

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