Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.

Neuschwanstein Castle

Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, Natasha, image-in-ing, Esha, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Keith, Cathy, Sara, CatSynth, Diana, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. Rump Day3. Marv and Grass
4. bethere2day5. mimi’s meanderings6. It’s a Snap!
7. For all the Ladies8. bailey unleashed9. Natasha Musing
10. Athena – Wordless11. Moments of Time12. Jackie’s Photo Blog
13. Pawsephone14. Simple Living15. O Dani Girl
16. Everyday Gyaan17. Back for a sec18. NatureFootstep
19. Daniel20. Zoolatry21. My GBGV Life
22. Ramblin’ with AM23. 15andmeowing24. Curious as a Cathy
25. Animal Shelter Life26. Rumpy Bump Treat27. Lucy-Riley-Xena
28. ShutterBug Explores29. Brian’s Home30. My Mind’s Eye
31. Wordless Wednesday32. Wordless Wednesday33. Deborah
34. Catscue35. Catblogosphere36. Driller’s Place
37. Last Pet Parade38. Tails Around the Ranch39. Seaguls
40. Flower of the Day41. WW: Traveling42. Songbird’s Crazy World
43. DonnaleeQ44. CatSynth45. Special trees
46. Kitties Blue47. Midnight Calico Farm48. The OP Pack
49. Lily Bit50. Albom Adventures51. NewToReno
52. Rusty Ring53. La Mamarazzi54. Bill
55. Gattina56. Wilbur’s Travels57. Chickadee Lane
58. Comfort Spring59. Deb Nance60. Indah Nuria
61. Plant Postings62. Jesh63. Dragonfly Treasure
64. Create with Joy65. Friendship Friday66. The watcher
67. Phamily Blog68. Patrick Weseland69. Small Tails
70. Almost spring71. Wordy Wednesday72. RompRollRockies

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105 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Natasha says:

    Hello darling, Sandee,

    It’s good to be back and yes, it’s been eons. The first time this year for me.
    My linky is also live this week, and I have some flowers and words for all my special women, and beyond.

    Sending you warm hugs and happy vibes. ♥♥ xoxo

  2. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    This is the stuff of fairy tales, Sandee!
    Thank you for trying to comment on my post last week and my apologies for the plugin blocking you. I’ve have since removed it. Come and visit if you are up to it!

  3. angelswhisper2011 says:

    Feeling like a Purrinces today, don’t know why…well..actually I do 😉 Thank you for your message on my bloggie, Sandee. Sorry we didn’t reply until now, but it was all to busy around here, but now Granny made some time to spend here in your castle with you😻Pawkisses for a wonderful day to you and yours, dear furriend🐾😽💞

    • Sandee says:

      It’s so good to see you, Little Binky. I’ve missed you something awful. I’m glad all is well. Pawkisses to you and a hug to your granny. 🙂

  4. My GBGV Life says:

    Mom used to live not too far from Neuschwanstein. She went there several times and says it was a beautiful place. They are dog friendly on the grounds, so she took her dog along when she went. Inside was just another castle, but outside, wow.

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    What a beautiful castle. It looks like something from a fairy tale!

    Thank you for hosting, Sandee. Happy Wordless Wednesday. 🙂

  6. Invisibly Me says:

    Wooooow that is impressive! It’s amazing to think how some incredible structures like this were built so long ago, without the big machines and transport and tech that we have these days. I’d love to visit there.

    Happy Wednesday lovely! xx

  7. catscue says:

    Such a fairytale place, I think the only way they could have built that where they did is with the fairies help!

  8. Kathe W. says:

    When I see castles like this I just am in awe and wonder how on earth they were built! Have a lovely day today! xoxo

    • Sandee says:

      We’ll we don’t have many castle in America. I think the Hearst Castle is the closest and we’ve never been there. Perhaps one day we will. 🙂

  9. Suzana says:

    A very impressive castle! The image is beautiful, the landscape is spectacular, but I am not sure I would like to live in such a place. As a matter of fact I’m sure about that! 🙂
    Thank you, Sandee! Happy WW!

  10. kittiesblue says:

    Our mom and dad have been to this beautiful castle. One of our mom’s favorite trips. Thanks, Sandee, for linking us up. Hugs from our mom. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  11. Rosey says:

    The only time we went to Germany was on a layover. They made me drink from my son’s baby bottle before they’d let us pass through security with it. Ew.

  12. sami veloso says:

    We lived in the Germany for 6 years during the 80’s and we never visited it. But we had no idea of the beautiful things we could visit in the country as we now do with internet, instagram, etc, etc. So hopefully one day I will be able to see it. Have a great week Sandee

    • Sandee says:

      Hubby and I were planning a trip to Germany some years back, but it never happened. We should have gone. He was stationed there during the Vietnam war. 🙂

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