Thankful Thursday

It’s Thankful Thursday hosted by Brian of Brian’s Home. He wants us to post what we’re thankful for.

I think it’s a good thing to do each week.

Focus on the positive things in our lives.

Make sure you link up to the Blog Hop at Brian’s Home and get the code to put on your blog. Then visit all the participants.

Today I’m thankful for warm weather. All of us need vitamin D and what better way to get that than being out in the sunshine. You don’t want to overdo, but nothing charges my batteries better than being out on a sunny day.

I’m thankful that because of the warmer weather I get out and about more. More exercise is good for both the mind and body.

I’m thankful that we are in full boating mode. We have a cruise each month with our yacht club through November and that’s always a plus. There will also be cruises with friends that have nothing to do with our yacht club. Bring on the boating season.

What are you thankful for today?

59 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. My GBGV Life says:

    That’s great that you have so much planning for boating since you love it so much. We are enjoying warm weather, but snow is forecast on the weekend again. If it happens it won’t last long!

  2. Nancy Chan says:

    I am thankful for the rain that helps to lower down the temperature. Thankful for the produce from my garden too. Enjoy your boating and cruises, it all sound so fun and exciting to be boating with friends.

  3. Margaret Elmendorf says:

    We are thankful for having a roof over our heads and especially thankful to be healthy. So glad to hear that you have lots of cruieses planned and we hope it is a nice and sunny for you. Have a terrific Thursday.

    • Sandee says:

      Yes on having a roof over our heads and being healthy. We love our cruises. Have a terrific Thursday too, Marg. 🙂

  4. Jody @I'm All About says:

    I am thankful for the sunshine and warm days, instead of gloomy Gus days. I am thankful for all of my wonderful friends that live in my computer such as yourself my dear. I am thankful that I woke up this morning. Have a beautiful sunny day Sandee. Love you bunches, honey ❤

  5. Jen says:

    I am thankful that my blog that was dead in the water yesterday is back up and limping along again today! Whew was that scary. More work to be done today, but it is manageable. Just not fun.

  6. 15andmeowing says:

    Those are wonderful thankfuls. I like how you are part of a boating club that gets together monthly-it is nice to have something to look forward to.

    • Sandee says:

      We so enjoy our club and boating. We’re heading to Benicia next month. It’s a long way to go, but it’s worth the effort. 🙂

  7. Eastside Cats says:

    I’ve got a great post for Thankful Thursday today, but yesterday, I spent some time in a wooded park at my lunch, and it was like I was recharged! Plus, I met a chipmunk that posed for me, and it was awesome!

  8. Chris Blackwood says:

    Thankful Thursday is a great idea! Be thankful for all of the things and the people that you have in your lives. I’m especially thankful for my Misty and Johnny because they taught me more about life and living than I could have ever imagined.

  9. Jan says:

    I am thankful that spring is here even though it is two months late. I am thankful that baseball is back and the River Cats are winning.

  10. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    I’m thankful for family. Since we weren’t able to cut our grass, our daughter Nicole ( who worked all day ) and came to our home to cut our grass. We wanted to give her some money but NO she said. She said it’s her turn to help us after we helped her all her life. We are thankful for her.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. XmasDolly says:

    Well, I’m thankful for I just found out my daughter (in Missouri) surgery on her head is May 13th & being as Mother’s day is on the 12th I’ll get to spend part of it with my two youngest children (yeah right children hahahaha that’s a joke. my boy there will be 40 in June and my youngest (the nurse) will be 39) holymoly)…. hey do appleseeds grow when you get them from the apple??? Any ways, I have been up all night because my hubby got me up to give him a rubdown cuz his back hurt so much and I couldn’t fall asleep… so I’ve been up all night & I’m getting sleepy. So if I’m not making sense… sorry! Now I am thankful that my baby is getting the rest of the tumors out of her head, and I’m thankful that my youngest son has found a job. Woo Hoo!!!! Robert does not play well with others if ya know what I mean, but we’ll see. hahaha So I’m also thankful for you my good, good friend and I have a few others so I’m just thankful for my good friends. Love you girl… have a great day! HUGS

  12. Cathy Kennedy says:


    I’m thankful that the A2Z challenge is soon coming to an end. After a month-long blogfest the busyness catches up with me, so I need for things to go back to normal. I continue to be thankful that my teeth are okay after January’s hard hit to my chin. I needed to see the dentist to get something else done when I mention a concern but it turns out all is good. I’m thankful that DH found out that he has another root canal failure now instead of later because he has to have a new implant put in from last year that bomb, so now he get both things done or at least a big portion of it taken care with one visit. I have other thanksgivings but I can really mention those but God knows I’m thankful and it’s because of Him. 🙂

  13. ghostmmnc says:

    All good things to be thankful for…good weather and boating with friends!
    I’m thankful for having my computer. I love reading blogs, writing blogs, and having conversations with the lovely people on WP, like yourself, Sandee!
    Happy Friday Eve! I have new photos for Feline Friday! ❤

  14. Brian says:

    Hooray for warm weather, we love it too. I don’t know if we’d like boating but the Dad says we might, he sure did in the past. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Sandee says:

      The weather has been perfect here. We’re loving the short sleeve shirts and the flip flops. Boating is a passion for us. 🙂

  15. Lisa says:

    Been MIA this week and probably for some time as we’re coming down he home stretch for planning/executing the big wedding event for our daughter! My blogging has taken a back seat (heck, it’s in the trunk!). I’m happy it’s warm enough for you to enjoy boating season now. We’re still on the spring roller coaster with temps, sun and rain. xoxox

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