Happy Tuesday

Post a funny picture. Post a not so funny picture.

Post whatever weirdness you want. That’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Happy Tuesday post.

Being happy is a good thing.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Happy Tuesday2. mimi’s meanderings3. bailey unleashed
4. Simple Living In Nancy5. Camelot6. My GBGV Life
7. reverendken8. My Mind’s Eye9. Clockwurk Labyrinth
10. 15andmeowing11. Willy & Fluffy12. Brian’s Home
13. CatSynth14. Catblogosphere15. Phamily Blog
16. Angelic Clowder17. The LLB Gang18. Xmas Dolly
19. Periwinkle & Stinky20. Cloudia Honolulu21. O Dani Girl!
22. The OP Pack23. Small Tails24. Twofer Tuesday
25. Mudpie26. Summer27. Tonks Tuesday
28. It’s all About Cats!29. Lola30. Friends FurEver
31. Weseland

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66 thoughts on “Happy Tuesday

  1. Nancy Chan says:

    A paper cut is a tree’s final moment of revenge? No wonder it hurts terribly! Grabbing the worst camera we own when we sight a UFO – this is the world we now live in…..Have a great day!

  2. Eastside Cats says:

    I’m a weirdo; I drive around with the radio OFF! Well, okay…I usually have an audiobook running instead, but have been known to go long distances in silence. Maybe driving is when I can concentrate on the voices….

  3. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    I love turning the music up when I’m driving in my Camero but my wife gets upset and tells me to turn it down. I’m darn if you can and darn if you can’t. I guess that’s life Sandee. Have a great day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Carol says:

    These are great Sandie ~ like the one about a ‘nap’ ~ LOL

    Xox to you and hubby ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Anne Robinson says:

    These are great! The paper cut- oh my goodness Dane Cook, before he flipped his lid, did the best comedy about atheists and trees. If you get a chance check it out at you tube. It was the best comedy along with his B&E (and I don;t mean bacon & eggs) HaHaHa! His language is very inappropriate but the comedy would be be just as hilarious without all the cursing. Thanks for all you do here. Appreciate you much. HUGS across the miles XO

  6. Tails Around the Ranch says:

    😆 Totally guilty of that first thing. It’s like noise is too much for our brains to process while we’re trying to hunt for an address. Here’s hoping you make it to any destination today safely and with the radio on. 🎶

  7. Rosey says:

    LOL! I do turn down the music if I need to concentrate or read something. I also open my lips to apply eyeliner (no idea why). Ha! Have a happy day. 🙂

  8. kittiesblue says:

    Thanks for linking us up, Sandee. I knew I was forgetting something when I finished the post. Just don’t have it together these days. Hope I can get back on track soon. Hugs, Janet

  9. XmasDolly says:

    So today I woke up super early and we went to the hospital to get CoVid tested for me. Can’t have my shot without it & it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. So, we stopped and seen a cousin of mine on the way home that I haven’t seen in 13 yrs. or more. She’s 82 now and has a son that doesn’t call her or come over except once a month to cut her grass. Can you believe that? I just want to give him a good slap along with his wife & kid. The granddaughter graduated college so I guess she’s old enough! Ya think??? grrrrrrrrrrr Makes me so mad. She kept thanking us for stopping by and I told her not to worry we’d be back and she kept asking us now you’ll be back, right? I wanted to start ballin’! Sheesh! Dam kids know nothing & here to find out her son is 52 yrs. old. Well, knock me over with a feather! What the hell? He should know better by now, right? grrrrrrrrrr Anyway, I got a call later and she said I’m probably okay, so she told me what to do before the hospital on Friday and I’m to be there by 1:00 p.m. and no food after 7 a.m. I’M GONNA STARVE! SHEESH! Anyway, I’m bushed I’ll talk at ya tomorrow sista! BIG HUGS & SMOOCHES! LUV YA!!!!!!!!!!!!! STAY HEALTHY!

    • Sandee says:

      You’ll do anything to get that shot. I know that for sure. I hope it brings much relief. Yes on some kids. They just get busy with life and forget what’s important. Too bad. Love you sweetie. 🙂

  10. Jen says:

    Haha on the music turning down. Universal truth really that no one talks about. Kind of like how we all have a favorite burner on the stove 🙂

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