Awww Mondays

Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays.

Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post.

What better way to start the week than with a smile.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Awww Mondays2. mimi’s meanderings3. It’s a Snap!
4. Southern Corners 165. bailey unleashed6. Goddess Athena
7. Gattina8. klara, Brussels9. Curious as a Cathy
10. My GBGV Life11. Zoolatry12. My Mind’s Eye
13. A ShutterBug Explores14. Lucy and Baby15. Purrseidon
16. Jeanne Foguth17. 15andmeowing18. Brian’s Home
19. reverendken20. Willy & Fluffy21. Woodsterman
22. Driller’s Place23. misadventures of Milo24. Catblogosphere
25. Deborah26. Covering tracks27. Little Binky
28. Molly Monday29. The LLB Gang30. Kitties Blue
31. Ruby the Airedale32. Xmas Dolly33. Angelic Clowder
34. Say Hello to Darcy35. Cloudia Honolulu36. The OP Pack
37. Phamily Blog38. Hairballs & Hissyfits39. RompRollRockies
40. Golch Central41. Dandelion

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88 thoughts on “Awww Mondays

  1. Cathy Kennedy says:


    Koala bears are cute. DH won me a stuffed toy at the local carnival in our dating years. I still have it after all this time, too. 🙂 Thanks for hosting the fun. Have an awwwesome Mondays. Stay safe and be well, my dear!

    • Sandee says:

      Thank you for that, my friend. You’re on the east coast and I’m on the west coast and we’re hours different. Again thank you for the nomination. 🙂

  2. XmasDolly says:

    Hey Sista, How’s goin? Fine I hope. Now not sure if I’ll be around the rest of the week, but I will have time here and there I promise to stop by when I can… okee dokee Wednesday I can cuz my dentist appointment isn’t until 2:45 pm – tomorrow I go for a Covid test cuz I’m getting my pain shot at Hinsdale Hospital on Friday… woo hoo (fingers crossed) & that’s if I passed the test, but I’m so clean & immaculate ain’t no way that bug is in me..I’ve GOT TO have that shot. I missed my last two cuz of Covid it’s not going to do me in no more! I just cannot put up with this horrible pain and I hate pain killers too! So wish me luck tomorrow & for Friday to get my shot and it works. It’s a new doctor too so from God’s lips to his hands may he follow in the Lord’s directions. Amen Also, uhhhh let’s see Covid Test tomorrow between 9-10:30 and then I’m going to see my cousin in Chicago I haven’t seen in way over 20 yrs. Her hubby died and I wanted to stop by and finally see her she has no living relatives, but me and her son & daughter-in-law that never calls her or comes over. She saw him at the funeral about a month ago that’s it. I’d like to slap that kid and wake his dumb ass up for pity sakes! Anyway, we’re going to stop by her after my shot and we’re bringing her some shingles she said she needed and Dave will cut her grass. Then will go home. Anyway, then the next day (Wednesday I’ve got dentist at 2:45 so I’ll have a little time to hop around for Wordless Wednesday and Thursday a day off from runnin’ and Friday.. God willin’ I get my shot… I won’t know what time yet until they call me with results from the test. Say some prayers for me pleeeeeeeeease! I’ve just got to have that shot. Awwwww Love Koala Bears and love my sista too!!! HUGS…………. BIG HUGS!!!! LUV YA GIRL!

    • Sandee says:

      I say don’t miss anymore shots. You’ve been going through hell for a long time. Prayers and love coming your way. Love you bunches, Marie. 🙂

      • XmasDolly says:

        You bet your sweet …. I won’t! ~hehehe~ It was a whole year without that shot and I truly suffered, I figured it out and it’ll take me about 5 to 6 months to save for the next on. I have to pay co-pay which is $225 so that should be okay… but the rest of it comes in the form of a bill so we’ll see what that is, but I can make payments on that one for sure. So the next shot is 3 months so that should be around HAPPY NEW YEAR! Woo Hoo! Okay, it’s a wee bit longer than 3 months, but I should do fine I’ll just take it easy! WOO HOO! Thank you for all the prayers sis! I’ll be needing them around in and about DECEMBER OR JANUARY & IF I’m lucky February! Woo Hoo! Luv ya….

  3. UP says:

    We have been watching a good bit of Australian TV. I’m becoming enamored with the continent Koalas included. VEry cut. Kinda mean Ihear .

  4. kittiesblue says:

    Oh my gosh, these two are so adorable. Thanks for linking up Cooper Murphy. Have a great week and stay safe and healthy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

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