Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

Happy Friday the 13th

Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. I like being _____________________.
2. I don’t want to __________________, but I have to.
3. I’m counting down the days until _________.
4. _________ is a lot like _________.

Here are my answers:
1. I like being retired, married, a female, a sister, a grandma and a great grandma.
2. I don’t want to pay so much taxes, but I have to.
3. I’m counting down the days until spring arrives.
4. Driving in California is a lot like driving in the Indy 500 at times.

1. Feline Friday2. bethere2day3. mimi’s meanderings
4. Fitz Tailio5. Athena – Feline Friday6. Eric & Flynn
7. Zoolatry8. O Dani Girl9. Jeanne Foguth
10. Purrseidon11. My Mind’s Eye12. Curious as a Cathy
13. Brian’s Home14. Catblogosphere15. The Island Cats
16. Big Cat17. Friday Cat18. Sophibelle
19. Golch Central20. 15andmeowing21. Mudpie
22. Homestead Prowlers23. It’s a Snap!24. Crystal & Daisy Mae
25. Peripheral Perceptions26. Phamily Blog27. Animal Shelter Life

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90 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    Cute kitty taking time to stop and smell the flowers.
    I can’t wait for spring either. I dislike the dark evenings and the cold wet days.
    I have never driven in the US, but the turn right on a red light always worried me as a pedestrian. I would cross the road with my head on a swivel!

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Good thing I’m not superstitious otherwise I might be worried that a black cat just crossed my path on Friday the 13th….lol
    I’m right there with you on counting down the days till spring..

  3. My GBGV Life says:

    Mom used to have a black cat and she supposedly was the most beautiful cat she has ever had. We are counting the days until winter comes and stays as it is our favorite time of year! Happy weekend!

  4. foguth says:

    Meowser Ms. Sandee thank you for hosting this blog hop. In a way, we answers #1 the same way, but I simply said I liked being me. If you don’t like paying taxes, you’ll probably be happy with Purrseident Trumps’ second term… I hear that it is purry likely the FED and IRS will be shut down and there will simply be a federal sales tax on new products. Mom has been celebrating the thought of no more 1040s.

  5. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    What a precious little House Panther kitty.
    Driving in CA:
    Many years ago probably early 1980’s my parents took my daughter to San Francisco. They rented a car so that could see all the beauty at their own pace. The rental broke down on PCH…of course this was before cell phones. So there they sat..until a wonderful CHiP arrived. So very kind and helpful. He called a tow which took a while and let them sit in his car to stay cool. My parents wrote a glowing letter to his commander, my daughter was so impressed and lo and behold they rec’d a thank from the patrolman sending such a nice letter. Evidently it was rare for folks to do that.
    I expect the water ways are much easier to navigate.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. messymimi's meanderings says:

    Some of my cats get a little too interested in flowers, just like this guy. Makes it hard to have a flower vase around, but they are cute anyway.

    Great answers, i hope you and Mr. Zane have a fabulous and blessed and beautiful weekend.

  7. Cathy Kennedy says:


    I think driving anywhere these days feels like you’re in the Indy 500. People have no sense. They think they know how to handle a fast moving metal of death when they do not. They zip in and out of traffic while talking on the phone (probably texting, too), drinking coffee, or handing little Susie her pacifier in the backseat leaving no space between them and the car in front. It’s like they aren’t happy unless they can latch on to someone’s tailgate. eye rolls The madness is only going to get worse. I shutter to think just how bad it will be in the years to come! Taxes take away a lot of our money. It’s insane! I won’t go all political on you but you know as well as I do why our taxes are so high. sigh Well…let me high tail it off here. I have things to do and not enough hours in the day to get them down. Have a funtastic week, darlin’!

  8. DrillerAA says:

    That kitten must be your prompt that spring will come again and you can stop and smell the roses.

    Love your answers and I couldn’t agree more with No.1 from a male perspective, so I will have to use a different thought.
    1. I like being behind a camera capturing family memories. I just don’t get to be in many of the images.
    2. I don’t want to wear a mask, but I have to. It is the right thing to do for everyone.
    3. I’m counting down the days until my 11th annual Christmas Music Marathon.
    4. Online shopping is a lot like shopping from the old Sears Christmas catalog..

  9. 15andmeowing says:

    Suh a cute kitty. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday and thank you for joining in the fill-ins, great answers. Yes, taxes are a necessity. I an only drive on town roads, no highways for me- I would never drive in California. Have a nice weekend. XO

  10. darlamsands says:

    I just want to scoop up that kitten! And pansies are one of my favorite flowers. 🙂 Some of our little city’s streets are treated like raceways. I’m clueless as to why police aren’t passing out tickets. The station is half a block away from one of the worst areas. Oh, well. Hugs, my dear.

  11. Kathe W. says:

    LOve your photo- I cannot wait for spring either! Right now it’s pouring rain and very windy! So much for our glorious sunny fall days! Have a great weekend- cheers and lots of BIG HUGS! xoxo

  12. pam says:

    Great answers…esp the one about taxes. That got my attention since my property taxes went up so much.
    1. I like being ______________a super star!! lol_______.
    2. I don’t want to _____________move right now_____, but I have to.
    3. I’m counting down the days until ______Christmas___.
    4. ______Waking ___ is a lot like __a punishment some days_______.

  13. Sandra Hangey says:

    I like to be a homebody. But then I am also counting down the days until the virus will be gone and we can walk around without a mask and that I can sit and talk to people in public and see their face instead of just eyes

  14. Lisa says:

    We used to have a black kitty named Smudge because when she was little, she was about as big as a smudge on the wall! Love your Friday fill-ins. I don’t think I’d trade where I live to drive in California traffic! Hope your weekend is wonderful. xoxo

  15. UP says:

    Love your feline Fridays! also…
    1. I like being able to get back into some clothes!_.
    2. I don’t want to watch what I eat, but I have to.
    3. I’m counting down the days until Thanksgiving.
    4. Rain is a lot like snow.

  16. The Gang at LLB says:

    What an adorable kitty today!!

    I’m with you. and hate leaving our little community and driving in California cities!

  17. The OP Pack says:

    Sweet little black kitty for Friday the 13th!!! Good luck, little one.

    Good answers. Mom hopes she lives long enough to be a great-grandma, but not too soon:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Jim says:

    This little guy will soon find out how well he is liked. I’ve never had a black cat but always had wanted one. I like your answers today, I might argue that Texas driving is every bit as bad as California.
    🙂 🙂
    Here are my answered this weeks questions:
    1. I like being retired since 2001.
    2. I don’t want to tell little lies now and then even to keep peace, but I have to.
    3. I’m counting down the days until summer will come again as maybe next one we can travel..
    4. I think cruising is a lot like assisted living except it has added placement of a chocolate candy piece on our pillows every night when they turn our covers down.
    🙂 🙂 🙂
    Thank you Sandee, for hosting here. Have a good week.

  19. Tony McGurk says:

    Kitty is so cute smelling the flowers.
    1. I like being relaxed.
    2. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow but I have to.
    3. I’m counting down the days until retirement. 7 years to go
    4. Human flesh is a lot like Pork. (or so they say)

  20. Rosey says:

    My oldest two boys separately went to California (with their other halves) before Covid. They both loved it, but did mention the crazy traffic. I knew it must be bad if they were saying it because the traffic in Palm Beach (where they both have homes) is atrocious too. I’d love to visit someday too. I’ve never been! I like your answers, and here’s mine (also, glad you can get on the blog!). Have a wonderful day/weekend!

    I like being a mom!
    I don’t want to deal with Covid-19 in the news all of the time (or in life!), but I have to.
    I’m counting down the days until we are once again Covid-free.
    Florida is a lot like paradise, and I love it here!.

  21. meowmeowmans says:

    Aww, what a cute little housepanther. 🙂

    Sandy, we’re with you about the spring … we could totally do without winter!

  22. L.M.G. Miller says:

    That’s a pretty kitty! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Taxes really are a bummer. But, it’s no wonder that saying says that the only certain things in life are death and taxes. Have a wonderful week!

  23. Holly says:

    Your answers to these fill-in questions are always the best, Sandee! ♥ And that sweet little black kitten is precious. Praying you and yours are well.

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