Awww Mondays

Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays. Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post here and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post.

What better why to start the week than with a smile.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Awww Mondays
2. messymimi
3. Driller’s Place
4. 15andmeowing
5. Giveaway
6. Woodsterman
7. Margs Animals
8. Mike Golch
9. Willy & Fluffy
10. Angel
11. Linda
12. ZoePhee
13. Anne
14. Kathe W.
15. Lucky Lady
16. Allison
17. Marilyn

56 thoughts on “Awww Mondays

  1. Ann says:

    Awwwwwwwwwww, so cute. Someone was up to a little mischief. Or maybe the toilet paper was running away and this little cutie was just trying to stop it 🙂

  2. Marg says:

    Now that is one cute kitten. I would have to steal that one. Some of the cats here used to shred toilet paper all the time. It was their very favorite thing to do. Great picture and totally AWWWWW. Sandee, you and Zane have a great day.

  3. joeh says:

    I argued in a post sometime back that TP should be loaded away from the wall. Someone commented "Obviously you don't have a cat!"

    Ended that argument.

  4. Linda says:

    How adorable, Sandee!!! I hope you have a great day and week, and thank you so much for adding my blog link to your post today. I really appreciate your kindness. 🙂

  5. Ron Russell says:

    Forgot to mention while on the paper subject. Rumors are flying that N.A.T. (National Association of Tree-huggers) is calling for a ban on many paper products and replacing that most critical with plastic! =p~

  6. Annesphamily says:

    Never had a kitty do this until Mr. Cat a/k/a/ Mr. Kitty came along. What a naughty boy he was, he would shred and unrolled that tp everyday! Such a cute photo. Have an awesome week Sandee. Thanks for linking me in! xo

  7. mail4rosey says:

    Wow, I'm sick and I'm thinking… is it Monday? Lol I totally lost track of the days for a minute (fuzzy head, I blame cough medicine). 😉 That is a cute kitty.

  8. Lauren Miller says:

    What a cutie! I'm so lucky that my cats never get into toilet paper. Lilly is kind of naughty and she does steal toothpaste. When she was a kitten she was pretty destructive, I'm so glad that's over!

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