Wordless Wednesday

(WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon.

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Add your link to the Linky Tools v2.0 and then follow the get the code link so we’ll have have the same links.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Seychelles Islands

Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Comedy Plus
2. Driller’s Place
3. Margs Animals
4. Kathe W.
5. Animal Shelter Volunteer
6. Cynical Sailor
7. messymimi
8. Purrseidon
10. Cranium Bolts
11. Mitch
12. Esha@Soul Talk
13. Mittened Hands
14. Jarek
15. Mazovia
16. Photo(Geo)
17. Gunilla
18. Zippi
19. Bocachancla
20. Clairejustine
21. Gattina
22. Bill
23. Dominique
24. NF PhotoArt
25. Joy
26. Image-in
27. Synnove
28. Keith
29. Penelope
30. Beth F
31. Katherine
32. Uttley
33. Birgitta
34. Deb Nance
35. Feeling Beachie
36. Raquel
37. Denise
38. Upma Pant
39. Rossmont
40. Molly
41. Parul Thakur
42. Aquariann
43. Naomi
44. Random Mommy
45. Ulrika
46. Albom Adventures
47. Miercoles Mudo
48. SuziQ
49. Mama Zen
50. Weseland
51. Daniela
52. Zauberpalme
53. Grantham Lynn
54. Plaridel
55. Hairballs and Hissyfits
56. Ched Curtain
57. Indah Nuria
58. Tracy Iglesias
59. Dina
60. Cathy
61. Liesbet
62. Birgitta
63. Rusty Ring
64. SteveF325
65. Cinderella
66. Erin
67. Emma
68. Ken
69. Linja
70. Violet Crush
71. Pat
72. Dave
73. Heather L

64 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    I guess that's the place to go especially since Trump became president. I worry for all my American friends. Oh well I have enough problems here in Canada to deal with.

    Enjoy your Wednesday Sandee & Zane. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. DrillerAA09 says:

    I could spend some time here. The first frost/freeze warning will be issued for NW Arkansas tonight, so a lot of people would prefer the sun and some sand. I'm more a four season kink of guy. Have a blessed week.

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