Wordless Wednesday

(WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon.

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Add your link to the Linky Tools v2.0 and then follow the get the code link so we’ll have have the same links.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.


Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Comedy Plus
2. bethere2day
3. Rhonda Albom
4. Margs Animals
5. Driller’s Place
6. messymimi
7. Cynical Sailor
8. Purrseidon
9. Angel Stew
10. Jedi
11. ZoePhee
12. Joy
13. Friends
14. Bronx Zoo
15. Ched Curtain
16. Shiju Sugunan
17. Joyce
18. Aquariann
19. Annapolis
20. Indrani
21. Dominique
22. Tonya James
23. Frugal
24. Image-in
25. Gunilla
26. Robin
27. CatSynth
28. Mascha
29. Zippi
30. Birgitta
31. NF PhotoArt
32. Rajlakshmi
33. Postcards
34. Granary
35. Mazovia
36. Photo(Geo)
37. Synnove
38. Adam Jones
39. Keith
40. Beth F
41. Gattina
42. Anoptimistic
43. Uma
44. Bee
45. Chel
46. Deb Nance
47. Bill
48. Hilary
49. Raquel
50. Ulrika
51. Molly
52. Parenting
53. Jackie
54. Les
55. Cathy
56. Grantham
57. Leslie
58. Traci
59. Naomi
60. Liesbet
61. SuziQ
62. Indah
63. Curious as a Cathy
64. Flower Crown
65. Annie

60 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Sandee, Maldives is certainly a beautiful tropical paradise but I'd rather visit the coast of Maine. 🙂 My DD#2 and her husband are there now on vacation. We've been a few times over the years and it's just gorgeous up there. I hope we can take another trip some day soon. Thanks for hosting the WW fun!

  2. BeadedTail says:

    I would love to go there! I showed J a place similar looking a couple of weeks ago and he thought having people that close would be too much. Yeah, I don't get it. He's weird.

    Hope you're having a great week Sandee!

    • Comedy Plus says:

      Your hubby is wonderful, but you know that. I love the beach as you do and we all have our favorite places. I do prefer warm though.

      I'm having a great week. Now pack for your cruise. 🙂

  3. Linda says:

    So gorgeous and captivating, Sandee! I wouldn't mind visiting this place, either! Or Greece as well! There are so many places I would love to see but fortunately with the photos I have seen on the web, as well as the videos, I am able to visit them while sitting in my living room! 🙂

  4. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    Hey Sandee, you know that I totally enjoy photos like this. I love the islands, the beaches and the bright blue – green waters of the Caribbean.
    Have a great beautiful Thursday my friends. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

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