Wordless Wednesday

WordlessWed-Blog-Hop-Badge-125-pxWW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.

Spring in Amsterdam

April3Image Credit: Click on Image

Dutch bulb farmers are renowned as the world’s tulip experts and the tulip fields in the Netherlands are an unforgettable sight in spring, with millions of blooms growing in every shade imaginable. Dutch tulips begin blooming in March with the early varieties and continue through late May but the tulip season hits its truly dazzling peak in mid to late April.

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, image-in-ing, Keith, Cathy, Sara, Esme Salon, CatSynth, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. My Mind’s Eye3. MICE & RAMEN
4. messymimi5. MCoW6. Image-in-ing
7. Sara Chapman8. Senior Salon9. Jackie’s Photos Blog
10. Ana Linden11. A ShutterBug12. Suzana
13. Sognafaret14. InkTorrents15. Signs
16. A French Kitty17. Zoolatry18. Dream of tulips
19. mail4rosey20. Animal Shelter Life21. My GBGV Life
22. Moonwashed23. Brian’s Home24. CatBlogosphere
25. Jim, Australia26. Wordless Wednesday27. 15andmeowing
28. Keith’s Ramblings29. The LLB Life30. Flower of the Day
31. Curious as a Cathy32. Wordy Wednesday33. Gattina
34. Kitties Blue35. Patrick Weseman36. DonnaleeQ
37. CatSynth38. Happy Easter39. Rusty Ring
40. Mascha41. Chickadee Lane42. Weekly Fun
43. Carmen44. Granny Sue45. klara, Brussels
46. #21 WW Invite47. Cloudia Honolulu48. Reflections
49. Spring is Sprung50. Scotland Forever51. Murals
52. Lighthouse53. Peppylady54. Golch Central
55. Dim Lamp Two56. Driller’s Place57. Kinley Westie
58. Lone Star Cats59. Ruby & Angels60. The Creative Cat
61. Amber’s Review62. MidWeek News63. Catmas Crafting

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88 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    Beautiful! We had a cruise booked in 2020 which included seeing the bulb fields of Amsterdam, then Covid happened! I still hope to get there, it is not far from us.

    • Sandee says:

      I love tulips and I’ve always wanted to go where they are the most beautiful. Thanks for linking up and that’s for all the wonderful laughs to give me each Wednesday. Hugs. 🙂

  2. MadSnapper says:

    love those tulips, I fought the desire to buy potted tulips in Publix a few days ago.. I won and now I can look at these

  3. Suzana says:

    There are fabulous these flowers. I love tulips, they are so elegant!
    Happy WW, dear Sandee! Hugs and a fine April.❤️😘

    (ps. next week I’ll skip the game.)

  4. A ShutterBug Explores says:

    Love all the beautiful tulips ~ such color array ~ thanks,

    Hugs and love to you from me and Ziggy and hope hubby is doing well ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Kitties Blue says:

    What an unbelievably gorgeous sight to see. It is pouring rain here and most of my tulips are drooping over from the weight. Hopefully, they will perk back up. Thanks for always linking us up. Purrs from Coop and Sawyer. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    • Sandee says:

      We have sunshine today, but tomorrow and Friday it’s supposed to rain. I hope you get some sunshine too and your tulips return to normal. Scritches to the kitties, a smooch to Cooper Murphy and Sawyer and a big hug to you. 🙂

  6. angelswhisper2011 says:

    What a great picture of Amsterdam and its tulips, Sandee. We’re afraid they’re not so nice this year, because of all the rain and cold, but Amsterdam sure is a great City and our tulips are still not out yet…MOL…Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

    • Sandee says:

      I didn’t know that. We’re having a wet spring too. More rain tomorrow and Friday. Double pawkisses to you both and a big hug to Granny. 🙂

    • Sandee says:

      Oh lucky you. I wish I could go with you, Klara. Thanks for linking up today. Most appreciated. Happy Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. 🙂

  7. cloudia says:

    Your post is gorgeous! And what a great party! I could spend the whole day here. What time zone are you in publishing at midnight? I can’t seem to hit it right. I’m either here three times too early, or way late like this. Thanks for all you do aloha

    • Sandee says:

      I preset all my posts for 0005 hours. I’m pacific daylight time. Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cloudia. Scritches to Pixie. 🙂

    • Sandee says:

      Oh how fun. I wonder if there is anything near me? I’m going to check. Happy Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. Thank you for all you do. 🙂

  8. Debbie D. says:

    That would be so lovely to see in person! Sadly, we never made it to Amsterdam, despite living only 3 hours away (by car) for several years. Happy Wednesday, Sandee!

    • Sandee says:

      I would love to visit as a tourist, but not live there. Thanks for weighing in Gattina. You would know where to visit and where to live. Happy rest of the week. 🙂

  9. The OP Pack says:

    A field of tulips like that is always quite the pretty sight!!! Mom saw a lovely display of tulips today at the entrance to a neighboring residential area.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    I’d definitely like to see that in person some day. There is a farm that grows them like that here (about 45 minutes away); we’re hoping to visit this spring. Have a great Wednesday, Sandee! 🙂

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