Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.
Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, Natasha, image-in-ing, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Keith, Cathy, Sara, CatSynth, Diana, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. bethere2day3. Rump Day
4. Lang’s Beach5. Image-in-ing6. Keith’s Ramblings
7. Sara Chapman8. mimi’s meanderings9. Marv at Lassie Lake
10. The Intrepid Introvert11. MICE AND raMEN12. The Princess
13. Jackie’s Photo Blog14. Simple Living15. O Dani Girl
16. Little Binky17. Zoolatry18. Ramblin’ with AM
19. My GBGV Life20. Animal Shelter Vol. Life21. My Mind’s Eye
22. Curious as a Cathy23. A ShutterBug Explores24. Catblogosphere
25. Wordless Wednesday26. Wordless Wednesday27. Purrseidon
28. 15andmeowing29. Lucy – Possesssed Plant30. Brian’s Home
31. Pray For India32. Driller’s Place33. Flower of the Day
34. The LLB Gang35. Kitties Blue36. Deborah
37. Catscue38. DonnaleeQ39. Ana Linden
40. Mrs. Shecky’s Blog41. Suzana42. Olivia
43. CatSynth44. Colleen45. May Memes
46. Bill47. Rusty Ring48. Create with Joy
49. Gattina50. NatureFootstep51. Comfort Spring
52. Lisa’s Garden53. A Little Wolf Free54. Wordless Wednesday
55. Patrick Weseland56. Parrot Tulip57. It’s a Snap!
58. JoysJotsShots59. Chickadee Lane60. Jesh
61. Tots & Me62. XingfulMama63. Forgetfulone
64. Kelleyn

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97 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Zina says:

    What a magnificent picture! The deer with majestic attire, holding the sun between its horns. How inspired!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday, Sandee! ♥

    P.S. I wish you had a share button at least for Facebook. You post very beautiful photos, even rare ones, that I would like my friends to see.

  2. angelswhisper2011 says:

    Purrfect picture for today, Sandee, gracefull, vigilance and magical…and you know what, Granny has him in bed…no no not Grandpaw…MOL…but the sheets😹Pawkisses for a wonderful mewsical Wednesday to you my furriend🐾😽💞

  3. Cathy Kennedy says:

    That’s an amazing photo! WOW!! Thanks for sharing, Sandee. You always come up with the coolest and neatest pictures. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderfully Wild Wednesday! 😉

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, what a majestic image. That stag looks to be on the top of the world!

    Thank you, dear Sandee, for hosting. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. capost2k says:

    Makes me think of Hannah Hurnard’s book, Hinds’ Feet On High Places, an astounding analogy of what it means to walk with God in one’s life.

  6. Rosey says:

    It took me many years to see a buck with horns but when I finally did, it was majestic. The softy in me wanted him to run and never get hunted. There were so many hunters up north. I never liked it.

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