Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.
Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, Natasha, image-in-ing, Esha, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Keith, Cathy, Sara, CatSynth, and Suzana.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. bethere2day3. Albom Adventures
4. Rumped Flameback5. Not Naughty Rumpy6. Jackie’s Photo Blog
7. messymimi8. Marv & Cat Toys9. Hazel Ceej
10. bailey unleashed11. O Dani Girl12. Wordless Wednesday
13. Different realities14. Athena & Marie15. Simple Living
16. Zoolatry17. OF MICE AND raMEN18. My GBGV Life
19. Deb Nance20. Ramblin’ with AM21. Animal Shelter Life
22. ShutterBug Explores23. My Mind’s Eye24. Brian’s Home
25. Flower of the Day26. 15andmeowing27. Catblogosphere
28. Willy & Fluffy29. Today’s Dose of Cute30. Driller”s Place
31. Jeanne Foguth32. Purrseidon33. Catscue
34. Curious as a Cathy35. Miss Molly36. The LLB Gang
37. Four Paws38. Zina39. Ann & Gibbs
40. Kitties Blue41. Furbabes42. DonnaleeQ
43. CatSynth44. The OP Pack45. image-in-ing
46. Cloudia Honolulu47. Patrick in Weseland48. It’s a Snap!
49. klara, Brussels50. Vigilance51. Golch Central
52. Inspire me Monday53. Friendship Friday54. NewToReno
55. La Mamarazzi56. Rusty Ring57. Gattina
58. Bill59. Wilbur’s Travels60. Paspii
61. NatureFootstep62. Joy63. Junie/Jesh
64. Emma & Buster65. Raquel66. Valeroni
67. RompRollRockies68. Small Tales69. Eggnog Punch
70. Tasmanian Devils71. Natasha Musing72. weekly photos
73. Phamily Blog

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95 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Sandra Hangey says:

    this is the perfect opportunity to tell you about my MIND… the first thing I thought about the beautiful red balls on the beautful icy tree, was how did they get the balls up there? did they put a ladder in dangerous slick snow and climb it? has this been photoshopped? see what I mean, I am DIFFERENT

  2. meowmeowmans says:

    What a pretty image! We are expecting our first real snowfall of the year later today. We’re supposed to get between 12 an 18 inches. Glad to be working from home these days. 🙂

    Happy Wordless Wednesday, Sandee! Thank you for hosting, as always.

  3. UP says:

    What a beautiful idea. In a snowy area it would be a welcome slash of color, but on this gloomy December day it would be a mess. I’m bad a Wordless Wednesday. I don’t do wordless anything well! ha

  4. Zina says:

    Superb! That’s what I think: any tree can be decorated for the holidays. The spirit of Christmas is present anyway.

    Have a fine day and stay safe!

  5. amandacatsynth says:

    So festive. I love the contrast of the white and red. It’s almost abstract.
    Happy Holidays and Happy WW!

    (PS – As I do a regular WW linky I’m happy to be another co-host if you’re looking for more 🙂 )

  6. Darla M Sands says:

    I bought some similar ornaments for our horse chestnut tree and then a tool to help put them up. While 20 baubles doesn’t seem enough now, taking them down after the New Year will post a challenge. It should prove interesting. Heh… ~hugs~

  7. Natasha says:

    It’s beginning to feel a lot like X’mas and I am loving all your images, including the header images, dearest Sandee.

    Merry X’mas and Happy holidays dearest and I hope you are going to have some mulled wine and egg-nog. <3 xoxo

    Hugs aplenty.

  8. betty - NZ says:

    Snow is definitely Christmas and that tree is so lovely decorated with big red balls 🙂

    I appreciate your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks for joining us!

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