Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.
Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, Natasha, image-in-ing, Esha, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Keith and Cathy.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. bethere2day3. Wag ‘n Woof Pets
4. mimi’s meanderings5. bailey unleashed6. Eric and Flynn Photos
7. Goddess Athena8. Curious as a Cathy9. Zoolatry
10. Deb Nance11. My GBGV Life12. A ShutterBug Explores
13. Animal Shelter Vol. Life14. Purrseidon15. Jeanne Foguth
16. Songbird’s Crazy World17. Ramblin’ with AM18. Simple Living In Nancy
19. Driller”s Place20. image-in-ing21. klara, Brussels
22. Brian’s Home23. OF MICE AND raMEN24. Catblogosphere
25. Willy & Fluffy26. Xmas Dolly27. The LLB Gang
28. Angelic Clowder29. Cooper Murphy30. Canadian Cats
31. DonnaleeQ32. O Dani Girl!33. It’s a Snap!
34. Clover and Ivy35. Patrick36. TravelerInMe
37. Wordless Wednesday38. RompRollRockies39. Adventures in Weseland
40. Small Stuff Living41. Smalll Tales42. Ruby
43. Phamily Blog44. Keith’s Ramblings45. La Mamarazzi
46. Rusty Ring47. CatSynth48. Wilbur’s Travels
49. NatureFootstep50. Comfort Spring51. Junkboat Travels
52. Colleen53. Wordless Wednesday54. Valeroni
55. Raquel56. Sara Chapman57. Sara Chapman II
58. Seeking Serenity59. Dragonfly Treasure60. Create with Joy
61. Crystal & Daisy Mae

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here…

92 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I’m drooling. I went back on the slimfast diet last week and I was telling my co worker yesterday as I was headed out with my slimfast shake that I was going to eat my burger and fries.

  2. Sandra Hangey says:

    When I woke up this morning I thought it’s been 5 months since I had a bought hamburger and I do love Culver’s burgers and this burger has me drooling on my cell phone

  3. Cathy Kennedy says:


    Mmmm, that sure does look good! I plan to make turkey burgers this weekend. Normally, I make beef burgers but we haven’t had turkey burgers in awhile so I thought it would be a nice change. I also am going to make oven fries. I quarter my potatoes place them in a bag pull in some olive oil and toss in my spices: salt, pepper, garlic, and tiny bit of red pepper. Shake, dump contents of bag onto a cookie sheet (you might need to add a wee bit of oil to the pan ahead of time) bake at 400º about 45 minutes. They turn out really good! Thicker than regular fries but better in my opinion. I won’t turn down good skinny fries in restaurants, though. I love french fries!! I grabbed your linky code and put it up today. Thanks for hosting, my friend!

    • Sandee says:

      Turkey burgers are good too and so are veggies burgers. You’ve got to know what to buy though. Thanks for putting up the code today, Cathy. Most appreciated. 🙂

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    That sure looks delicious. Is it okay to eat a hamburger and fris for breakfast? lol

    Thanks for hosting, Sandee. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. pjack214 says:

    Now that looks like a burger I could sink my teeth in…….if I could get my mouth around it!! haha…i did not realize you lived in Calif. Yep so would love my trip out there this yr but that is not happening with the numbers you guys have and the fact that I would have to fly…..maybe things will be better next yr. I would love to do Christmas there one yr but my son can’t take off at that time of yr so I really don’t see me doing that. But then again….I could hang with my DIL while he worked. But the whole purpose of going there is to spend time with both of them….oh well. I also want to come one when the whales migrate down around San Diego. I love Calif. Born there but not raised there.

    • Sandee says:

      I’d have the same problem. I’d have to take much out and eat it on the side. I’d do it though. I don’t know one person that’s had the virus. Not one. Sorry you’re not coming this year. 🙂

  6. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    That looks tasty! I never eat fast food burgers, but our local farmer/butcher makes lovely 98% beef burgers and I like them in brioche buns.

  7. betty - NZ says:

    That looks so good! I have good news and bad news from New Zealand: We have been back to ‘normal’ for quite a while so going out to eat is easy for us. The bad news is that we are sooo limited as far as restaurants (unless you life in the 3 big cities)! But, I can get KFC and Burger King occasionally, so I’m happy 🙂

    How terrific it is to see you at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!! Thanks for linking up with us.

    • Sandee says:

      You’re welcome, Betty. We only have patio dining here and the menus are limited. Take out (drive through) is very busy, but we’re not much for fast food places. We mostly eat at home. See you next week. 🙂

  8. rubytheairedale says:

    OMD, Ma had one of these just today!!! she made hers here, and it wasn’t that big, butts she SAID it was delish…..I didn’t gets any!!! Can you believes it??!! rude. She did however gives me some chicken, so I guess I forgives her….
    Thanks for hosting ! I always have funs!
    Ruby ♥

    • Sandee says:

      You should have had a bite, Miss Ruby. Tell mom I said that. We don’t go out for burgers either. Hubby grills them and we don’t have fries we have a salad. Yummy. Kisses back, Miss Ruby. 🙂

  9. Natasha says:

    Late to the party but here I am. 🙂

    That burger looks lip-smackingly delicious and I want one now. It’s been ages since I ate one.
    Trying to eat healthy, mostly. 😉

    Have a good week ahead dear, Sandee. <3

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