Wordless Wednesday

WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.
Image Credit: Click on Image

Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday – Betty, Steve, Natasha, image-in-ing, Esha, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Keith and Cathy.

1. Wordless Wednesday2. Wag ‘n Woof Pets3. mimi’s meanderings
4. It’s a Snap!5. Noir Kitty Mews6. A French Kitty
7. bailey unleashed8. Athena – Wordless9. Father Ignatius
10. bethere2day11. Little Binky12. Simple Living In Nancy
13. Eric & Flynn Photos14. Deborah15. O Dani Girl!
16. Ramblin’ with AM17. My GBGV Life18. Nature’s Treasures
19. Animal Shelter Life20. Driller”s Place21. Curious as a Cathy
22. Zoolatry23. August Badges24. 15andmeowing
25. 15andmeowing26. The LLB Gang27. Purrseidon
28. Jeanne Foguth29. My Mind’s Eye30. Xmas Dolly
31. Catblogosphere32. Brian’s Home33. Willy & Fluffy
34. Mike Golch35. klara, Brussels36. DonnaleeQ
37. National Anthem Day38. image-in-ing39. reverendken
40. Tails Around the Ranch41. OF MICE AND raMEN42. Floare de Colt
43. The OP Pack44. CatSynth45. Angelic Clowder
46. Memes Again47. Best Memes48. Patrick
49. Songbird’s Crazy World50. Black-eyed Susans51. RompRollRockies
52. Millie & Walter53. Small Tails54. Phamily Blog
55. Ruby56. It’s a Snap!57. Nature’s Treasures
58. betty – NZ

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102 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

    • Sandee says:

      Yes they do and if you’re in a power boat and there are lots of them out it’s hard to navigate through them. They have the right of way for the most part. 🙂

  1. Natasha says:

    Gosh! Sandee!!!
    I wish I could sail; away into the depths of the ocean in one of those boats. Sigh!


    Have a magical Wednesday, sweetheart. <3
    Much love.

    • Sandee says:

      It’s most wonderful to be out on the water. So serene and fun. Well not if there is bad weather. It’s most scary then. Much love back, Natasha. 🙂

  2. Cathy Kennedy says:


    Beautiful and serene! If I weren’t such a big scaredy Cathy then I’d love to be on the water like this. 🙂 I lifted your linky code and placed it in my post today, since I’m not keeping up regularly in Blogosphere I thought this would be a good opportunity for new folks to discover your linky party. 😉 Happy WW!

  3. UP says:

    I have the beach v mountain conversation in my head all the time. What I want is a beach on the side of a mountain.
    HA!! Great WW. Great Pix. Happy Wednesday.

  4. Eastside Cats says:

    When it’s blazing hot outside, we like to go visit a public park in Port Huron, Michigan. It’s not far from the bridge to Canada, and the prevailing wind comes off of cold Lake Huron. The cool breeze is such a delight!

  5. Sandra Hangey says:

    It is very hard for me to have a wordless Wednesday so I don’t do this anymore I do wordy Wednesday because I’m a wordy person. But I did used to look for photos that told a story without words but now I just post junk and don’t look for those photos. Since we’ve been locked down 4 months there are no wordlist photos in the house that I could share publicly haha

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, that’s beautiful. That certainly looks like a great way to spends a Wednesday, or any day for that matter! 🙂

    Thank you for hosting, Sandee!

  7. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    Ah yes, cruising. I hope that I will be able to go again on a cruise. I have one planned on January but I’ve already decided to cancel my flight and cruise. I’m crying right now. Baaaaaa. See ya Sandee.

    Cruisin Paul

    • Sandee says:

      I found this and marveled at the beauty of it. When you go to the San Francisco bay you can see sailboats all over the place. Mostly windy there though. 🙂

  8. Brian says:

    That’s so pretty! The Dad here did a stint on an America’s Cup yacht and he said his arms were sure tired, he loves a yacht with a start button now MOL!

  9. ChirpyDebs says:

    Hi Sandee, it’s photographs like that that make me wish I was a boat person. I won’t even get on a pedelo without hesitation – I bet there are big creatures in that there water!


  10. Anne Robinson says:

    I would like to sail away! Ah…..sigh…..I loved the song Sail Away that the Celtic Women sang. So peaceful. I have an ear and throat infection. Saw the urgent care today. Anti-biotics to heal my pain. Blogger changed the blog set up. Aacckk! I could not link to you there. But I am late and here. Thanks for all you do my friend. HUGS across the miles

  11. rubytheairedale says:

    Ma’s not much of an open water sailor, butts calm water she can gets behind with a passion! Nothin’ like being on the water with the breeze in your furs! BOL!
    Thanks bunches for hosting! Have a most pawsome week!
    Ruby ♥

  12. DrillerAA says:

    That cat’s chest looks like memory foam, it’s so thick.

    If you want to be happy, you have to invest in the happiness of others.
    During the month of August, I plan to do a little fishing.
    Others might think it’s strange that I like boiled okra.
    4.When the grandcrew were little seems so far away.

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