Wednesdays Question

questionIt’s Wednesday so that means it’s question time. It’s time to ponder and then answer just one question. Okay, you can add all you want as a reason for your answer too. We’d all like that.

Here’s this weeks question: Do you have any exciting plans for this summer? For those that are heading into winter, do you have anything exciting planned for this winter?

I’m a fair weather girl, so I love seeing summer arrive. Long days and lots of good books. Yachting is in full swing and there are tons of destinations to enjoy. We’ll do some of that very thing this summer. That and love on Little Bit for as long as we can.

62 thoughts on “Wednesdays Question

  1. Barb says:

    A trip to visit the sisterdears is planned, of course. Some lovely weekend getaways. We'll be moving into a bigger house early this fall, and hopefully, a cruise going into fall, too. Nothing huge, but very nice.

    My cats are old getting older, too. Sarah has developed hyperthyroidism. They are all slowing down and napping more. I didn't think cats could nap more but they do. Who knew? Except Gracie. She is the only one in single digits at 5 1/2 years old. How did that happen already?

    Have yourself a lovely day, my friend. big hugs x0x0

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I always enjoy your sisterdears visit each year. I do hope you get to go on that cruise though. Yes I do.

      I love my Gracie. She rules the entire house. 🙂

  2. Marg says:

    We don't have any plans at the moment. Just enjoy all these millions of cats here. And good for you to love that Little Bit as much as you can. Give her lots and lots of treats . I used to even cook hamburger for Ande.. She loved it. You and Zane and Little Bit have a super day.

  3. DrillerAA09 says:

    This summer may be busy, but I doubt if many would consider it exciting. Vacationing at the lake with the grand kids is always exciting for us. This October will find us at my 50th high school reunion.

  4. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    My wife & I are hoping to spend some time at a cottage on a lake or waterway during the summer and as far as the winter, our 10th cruise in the Caribbean on the Breeze is planned. Looking forward to both of them.
    Have a great Wednesday Sandee. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Jean R. says:

    I have day trips planned each month of the summer and into the fall. And I have a goal of getting my three stall garage completely organized and free of all things I don't need. So I'll be in e-Bay hell again.

  6. Rajagopalan says:

    My wife Lalita and I are planning a visit to our son's home at Chicago this summer. We hope to have a nice time with our grandson Sahanav, daughter-in-law Priya and son Ramesh.

  7. Caren Gittleman says:

    Well, May isn't summer, but I am heading to Nashville next week for the BlogPaws conference…then….the week of June 11 (which also isn't summer) I am heading up to the Cape Cod area for a "cousins" weekend (adult female cousins only), should be fun! We are all over 50, there are 5 of us…wine on the beach! Have a great day!

    • Comedy Plus says:

      Well perhaps I should have said fair weather months. It's mostly summer here even though the calendar doesn't say so. Have fun. I like that girls only and wine on the beach. A. Lot. 🙂

  8. Marcia Shaw Wyatt says:

    Much of the early part of Summer this year will be spent loving on my new Great Nieces. My nephew & wife, and my niece and husband are coming home for visits and they're bringing their new baby girls. I can't wait to see and spend time with them. Following that, I'll simply be enjoying the warmth of the summer months. This winter was tough here in New York and I'm in no hurry to return to Fall and Winter. 🙂 Hope you have a marvelous day and an even better Summer! 🙂

  9. Kathe W. says:

    Nothing "special" but road trip visits to Bend and Baker City Oregon, Sausalito and Los Altos CA…. all to spend time with good friends and beloved relatives! Maybe also to Vancouver BC and Seattle WA via the train for the same reasons! We were going to go to either Scotland or Mexico this fall but the airfares are going to keep us away til next year when we have saved up more moolah!

  10. LAC says:

    My exciting plans usually pop up unexpectedly. I do know that this is the last summer before my "baby" starts her educational career. So I am hoping to make the best of it. My other plan is to continue my weight loss journey 2.0 that started a few weeks ago. I also want to continue decluttering the house.

  11. Saundra McKenzie says:

    Leaving Saturday to spend 10 days with my grandkids in Alabama. A beach vaca somewhere around New Orleans is in the works for early September. Like you- lots of long days and good books, shorts and flip flops.

  12. cube says:

    We're not planning any long trips this summer, but do plan on a few long weekends at the beach and a bit of fishing. Also, we'll use the pool most days, BBQ, and, of course, lots of time for good books. Right now, we have a lot of pressure washing to do to get the backyard deck and the pool deck ready for summer. That's the yuk part.

  13. BeadedTail says:

    No plans for this summer yet but we'll be doing some staycations to get things finished up around the house. We'll also do day trips around Oregon. Another trip to Disneyland during the holidays and then another trip to Alaska next summer are in the planning stages too.

    Hope you have a happy day Sandee! Extra smooches for Little Bit!

  14. Jim says:

    Sounds good, the sailing. I may be needing a new hobby!!
    Actually I do. We are moving to the flat lands west of Houston, mainly to be near our daughter, grand-daughter, and SIL No more golf course in the back yard there.
    Before the move we plan to go to the Big Sister's high school graduation in London and then have a last see for a while of the old Continent.

    • Comedy Plus says:

      Oh no, no more golf course? Oh well, being closer to family is awesome and I'm sure you'll get a great price for your home on the golf course. Usually works out that way. 🙂

  15. Traveling Bells says:

    Moho out west, probably in August, ahead of a September cruise to Hawaii, and the balloon fiesta in Albuquerque in October. Yep, we have huge plans…that MAY include CA! Hmmm…

    Big hugs, honey…

  16. "Annie" says:

    Oh, Louisiana summers…This question reminds of Gershwin's, "Summertime," especially the words,"and the livin' is easy," because they capture the season's personality everywhere. Especially down here in good 'ole N.O where the summers are so hot our furniture is thirsty. The moss on our grand oaks dangle as still as a photograph.

    I plan on becoming a part of a beautiful summer, no vacation plans yet, but that's O.K, I need some long days to find "lots of good books to read."

    I plan on having a lazy summer. I haven't any vacation plans, except to relax at home doing the things I love to do-

    I love your question and I'm sorry for my belated answer.


    Huge hugs to you!

  17. Rocks says:

    Summer will soon be over in my part of the world but I am still planning for a one summer get away with my husband 🙂 Soon, we will prepare for rainy seasons.

    I'm sure you'll have a very wonderful summer my dear 🙂

    • Comedy Plus says:

      You can answer Wednesdays question anytime you want. And you did. I knew about the cruise, but I'm guessing you'll have some other fun summer things with the WCK. 🙂

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