Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful that my hubby and I had a wonderful four night, five day mini vacation. We relaxed, we enjoyed the scenery, we took drives down the coast a couple of times, we held hands and enjoyed each others company, we laughed, we slept like babies with the roar of the ocean each night, and most of all we enjoyed being away for a bit.

Today’s thankful is in video and pictures.

There’s nothing like the roar of the ocean. We had some great water all weekend long.

This short video gives you an idea of how violent the water was on Thursday. We watched this from the parking lot for a very long time.

This was the ocean from our room. We heard that constant roar the entire weekend. Most relaxing.

This is our room. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express and rented a junior suite. It was a very comfortable room.

The very best part of the room was it was an ocean view room.

On Saturday we traveled to Santa Cruz for Mexican food at Olitas Cantina and Grille to detox from all the pasta and seafood.
Image Credit: Click on Image

I’m thankful for all the wonderful seafood, pasta and some of the best sourdough bread imaginable. We ate whatever we wanted and each morning we did this to counter all the food.
Looked pretty easy from here…but it was a good climb.
I only gained two pounds during our outing. I’m not going to complain about that one bit. Now we’re planning on another trip to somewhere else in the near future. Why not!

What are you thankful for today?

Thankful Thursday Image Credit: MiMi King

68 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. stevebethere says:

    I enjoyed the photos and vids, I agree I always find the sound of the sea relaxing too no matter how rough it is.

    That food looked lovely nice scenery in that last photo

    Have a pastatastic day Saandee :-h

  2. Christine says:

    Thank you for the videos! It's been over a year since I've seen or heard the ocean. You were in a gorgeous spot. And the waves!!! Awesome.
    Why not travel, indeed. Bryan and I are squirreling away as much money as possible for retirement so we can travel as much as we want when the time comes. Not that we don't travel now, but we're really going to travel when the kids are out of the house!
    We are both blessed. Many times over.

  3. Marg says:

    Wow, that sure looks like the perfect vacation. Good food, good company and great ocean. Glad you had such a good time. We are thankful for simple things, like good health and a roof over our heads.Sandee, you and Zane have a great and fun day.

  4. The Cynical Sailor says:

    Looks like a wonderful vacation! And 2 lbs isn't bad at all. I would echo what Marg says above – I'm thankful for simple things like health, shelter and more than enough food to eat. Have a great day!

  5. Barb says:

    I so miss the ocean! I grew up on the ocean. My parents moved inland when I was 13 for a much shorter work commute for Dad. I've not lived on the ocean since. Maybe one day I will retire near the ocean, God willing.

    So happy you two enjoyed your mini-vaca!

    big hugs xoxo

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I was born and raised about 12 miles from the pacific ocean as a kid. We visited as often as we could. I have to see the ocean now and then. I can understand the appeal. 🙂

  6. Jim says:

    I'm envious, Sandee. Looks wonderful. Two pounds?
    Your Mexican food is making me hungry for some. Our Houston area is the Mexican food capital of the world! For that but also most eating out places per capita in the U.S.

  7. Nancy Chan says:

    We always request for rooms with sea/ocean view whenever possible. Your have a great holiday by the ocean. Maybe for the 1st night the roar of the waves would have kept me awake. I especially like the last pic. Great view!

  8. DrillerAA09 says:

    We have a short trip planned next month. Just a little get-a-way from everyday life. Sometimes big vacations can be just as stressful as the life we leave behind, but the short trips are often very relaxing. Have a blessed week-end.

  9. Zane D. Clark says:

    I'm thankful for my wonder beautiful trophy bride, my Darlin' and that we are blessed by the Lord to be able to have done this trip.

    I love you my Darlin'
    Your Faithful, Loving Husband.

  10. "Annie" says:

    Wow! The Pacific Ocean is drop dead gorgeous! It's much wilder than the Gulf Of Mexico. I really enjoyed watching the videos. Oh, and the room at the Holiday Inn was spectacular. I'm so happy you had such a good time.

    And I agree with you about taking another vacation. Like you said, "Why Not?" These were really great Sandee. Thanks for sharing.

    "Big Hugs" to you, and have a fun day!

    P.S. I think I will have to return to listen to the ocean again. It really does sound great.

  11. BeadedTail says:

    What a beautiful place! Loved the ocean videos! I could watch the winter waves for hours as they crash against the rocks. That coastline looks like ours here and there's something magical about the power of nature. Glad you and Zane had such a wonderful getaway!

  12. Jean R. says:

    Love the videos. I could almost smell the ocean. Coastal living calls us all but we all aren't fortunate enough to even visit as often as you guys do. About as close as I get is buying the Coastal Living magazine. LOL

  13. Caren Gittleman says:

    Ohhhh myyyyyyy!! I am thankful that you BOTH had a marvelous time! I am thankful that you shared these fabulous videos and photos of the hotel room and the food!!! OMG there is nothing, NOTHING like falling asleep listening to the ocean. It reminds me of when my husband and I honeymooned in Kauai almost 10 yrs ago (second marriage for both)…….Ohhhhhh how I want to be by the ocean right now!! THANK YOU for sharing!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

    • Comedy Plus says:

      Oh Kauai is our favorite island of all the Hawaiian islands. We've thought about spending the month of January there some time. Don't know if we will, but we love Kauai. 🙂

  14. Kathe W. says:

    wow! these videos were great! I do miss the ocean. Good to hear what a great time you had- today I am thankful for all the snow we are getting-even in it's somewhat inconvenience- we need it and I'm not going to complain! Cheers and hugs!

  15. Su-sieee! Mac says:

    I love the sound of the ocean. Once I lived next to the freeway. I simply pretended that the roar of the cards was the ocean. Santa Cruz is a 40+ drive away. Next time we're there and wanting Mexican food, we'll try Olitas. Thanks for the tip.

  16. Annesphamily says:

    Oh Sandee, that trip sounds so relaxing and wonderfully romantic too. I love the ocean. My hubby has b=never been and our daughter Rebekah feels it is her duty to take her dad and wants to book a California trip to do so! She first visited the Atlantic ocean with her friend who was in the U S Navy several years ago and went to Wash DC with him and some other sailor boys! we felt like she was safe with all those sailors around her watching out for her. Then she and Zach went to San Diego for a convention when they worked at Sonic and she loved the Pacific Ocean too. Sigh…nice memories. I loved the ocean when I was younger and my girlfriends lived in Southern California. I am anxious to make the trip, we will wait and see how their job situation plays out at the ins. co. this summer. Hugs, Anne

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I remember the first time I saw the ocean. I was in awe. Giving the right ocean it's easy to be in awe. I love a more active ocean like we had last weekend. Big hugs back. 🙂

  17. Jean(ie) says:

    Oh Sandee that just sounded like pure heaven. I love a good rocky coast. Best wave sounds. I'd be sleeping like a baby, too! So glad you two were able to fully enjoy the experience.

  18. Wendster says:

    Wow, Sandee! That looks like it was so beautiful. Despite the "violent" waves it still looks like you had a "tranquil" relaxing time. Loved the videos in particular. Love to hear the sounds. Thanks for sharing! And good job on only gaining 2 lbs. I eat a cookie and I'm up a pound! Just sayin' 😉

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