Thankful Thursday

It’s Thankful Thursday hosted by Brian of Brian’s Home. He wants us to post what we’re thankful for.

I think it’s a good thing to do each week. Focus on the positive things in our lives.

Make sure you link up to the Blog Hop at Brian’s Home and get the code to put on your blog. Then visit all the participants.

I’m thankful that my cataract surgery went so well. I can see so much better now. Pretty soon I’ll go to my optometrist to get new glasses. I know I’ll see better than I have in years. Modern medical procedures are wonderful.

I’m thankful that we have two cruises planned the first two weekends in November. We’ll be done cruising after that. It’s good to get out and about after being locked down most of this year. Not to worry, we’ll still follow the rules.

What are you thankful for today?

1. Brian’s Home
2. Messymimi
3. Animal Shelter Life
4. Homestead Prowlers I
5. Homestead Prowlers II
6. Timmy Tomcat
7. Two Spoiled Cats
8. Zoolatry
9. My GBGV Life
10. Purrseidon
11. Bionic Basil
12. Comedy Plus
13. Catscue
14. 15andMeowing
15. Carol & Angel
16. Friends FurEver
17. Milo Moments
18. It’s a Snap!
19. My Mind’s Eye
20. Eastside Cats
21. The LLB Gang
22. Little Binky
23. Wishes & Dreams
24. Shelter Cats
25. Create with Joy
26. Phamily Blog

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here…

74 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I am glad your cataract surgery went well.
    Enjoy your November cruises. I know it is not the same going on a big ship, but I have really missed our cruises this year.

  2. Molly the Airedale says:

    We’re so happy for you that your surgery went well. I am thankful to have gotten my grass cut and some leaves raked. The weather peeps are talking about snow for us tomorrow! Have fun on your cruises!

  3. My GBGV Life says:

    Eyesight is never to be taken for granted and it is wonderful with all the medical advances how many things they can do so much better these days. Have fun on your cruises. We know you will!

    • Sandee says:

      I don’t take any senses for granted. Hubby and I were talking the other day about how folks suffered 100 years ago. So many medical breakthroughs. 🙂

  4. Sandra Hangey says:

    I remember from 4 years ago how wonderful it was to have that white film gone and see everything sharp and clear and you’ll feel even better when you get your new glasses. You certainly do have a lot to be thankful for as do we all

  5. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    Sandee, don’t you cruise in your boat throughout the year? Isn’t the weather where you live conducive for cruising just like in Florida?
    I’m thankful that I’m still here after this change that I’ve had. ( New Home ) LOL Have a great Thursday.

    Cruisin Paul

    • Sandee says:

      We do, but not much in the winter time. We might go out, but usually it’s time for maintenance in the winter. The mechanic works on it to ready it for the next year. 🙂

  6. Brian says:

    I’m really happy your surgery went well. I had my eyes done a while back and was really thankful to see clearly again. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    Funny cataract story: WE had our master bath painted a pretty shade of green in Summer 2016. My husband loves green but that shade not so much but left that color in another room. Fast forward to after his cataract surgery. When he saw the other room in that shade of green he realized the cataracts had distorted the green. But we left the master the new color.
    Amazing what a difference surgery makes especially when you realize how poorly your sight was
    Hugs Cecilia Happy crusin’

  8. Invisibly Me says:

    I’m grateful your cataracts surgery went well too & that your vision is much clearer 🙏 My mother might need this in future but she’s putting it off for now. Hearing positive stories like yours makes her feel more confident in the idea though!

    What a fantastic November it shall be,
    For all the open water you shall see!

    I hope you have a wonderful time on the cruises, and of course stay safe both of you xxxxx

  9. Marti says:

    I’m glad your cataract surgery went well. Clear vision is a wonderful thing. I never knew people had to have glasses afterward though, just readers. Have fun on your cruises.

  10. Anne Robinson says:

    Glad you have such good eyesight after your surgery. I know I am going to need it. I have poor sight to begin with. Enjoy your cruises. It is nice to get out and about. ALways appreciate all you do. Thank you. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO

  11. kittiesblue says:

    Yeah on your cataract surgery, Sandee. That is the next thing I have to tackle. I had thought of scheduling it for while I am recuperating from my foot surgery, but I cannot handle anything more right now. Enjoy your cruises and stay safe. Love and hugs, Janet

  12. Lisa says:

    So happy to hear your surgery went well. Be sure to pick out some crazy cute frames! Enjoy your upcoming cruises. I sure hope we’re not headed into another lockdown. I think next week will be a good week to find something in which to be thankful for…..after the election. xoxoxo

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