Thankful Thursday

It’s Thankful Thursday hosted by Brian of Brian’s Home. He wants us to post what we’re thankful for.

I think it’s a good thing to do each week. Focus on the positive things in our lives.

Make sure you link up to the Blog Hop at Brian’s Home and get the code to put on your blog. Then visit all the participants.

Things I’m thankful for…

1. Brian’s Home
2. Messymimi
3. Dash Kitten
4. Animal Shelter Life
5. Purrseidon
6. Angelic Clowder
7. Mudpie
8. Loulou
9. My GBGV Life
10. Zoolatry
11. Peaches & Paprika
12. 15andmeowing
13. A Shutterbug Explores
14. Catscue
15. Natasha Musing
16. Comedy Plus
17. Milo Moments
18. Eastside Cats
19. Two Spoiled Cats
20. The OP Pack
21. The LLB Gang
22. Indulged Furries
23. Xmas Dolly
24. BBHQ
25. Create with Joy
26. Phamily Blog

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here…

62 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. Ann says:

    Yep, all good things to be thankful for. I’ll be thankful if my comment will go through today. I tried to connect to Facebook yesterday and it wouldn’t work, tried again with google and got an error. I’ll try again another way today. Fingers crossed

  2. My GBGV Life says:

    Eyesight is something to definitely be thankful for. Gramma has an eye disease for which there is no cure and it is very hard to watch her lose her sight. We think going deaf would be the better option. We are always thankful for our home and all the opportunities we have.

  3. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    Every night before I go to sleep I pray to God thanking him to give me my family, friends, and my blogger friends. I give thanks to all those to help me go through life and support me with all the many difficulties that are there in our world. Strength, Love, Respect and Belief are the many things that I give thanks today. Enjoy your day Sandee.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Sandra Hangey says:

    I had a total meltdown this morning so I am not in a thinking mood but I am thankful for all the things that you are it’s easier to just say that

  5. The OP Pack says:

    Beautiful reasons to be thankful. We are thankful every day here that my Dad continue to have his sight in at least one of his eyes. The senses may seem like little things to be thankful for, but oh no, they are HUGELY important.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    Hi Sandee so very much to be thankful for each day…our eyes open.
    In particular today I’m thankful my 2nd post op with the periodontist went well. Stitches out, and I’m now able to chew on the right side.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. XmasDolly says:

    Guess who is going to try this one for a while! Your sista from anotha mutha! hehehehe Love you Sista! So, I have to lay down for a nap because early to bed, early to wise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, right? HAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT! ANYWAY……… Who luvs ya baby!!! My shot tomorrow! WOO HOO! PRAISE THE LORD! I SO CANNOT WAIT! YOU May not hear from me until Monday, so don’t worry bout me okay? You’re duh best my sista from anotha mutha!!! 🙂 Anyway, I thought it would keep me busy and when I move it will help me spread the word. Going to get started on that maybe this weekend… I got get goin’ cuz I have no idea what I’m doing! 🙁 Have a great weekend! HUGS & Smooches!

    • Sandee says:

      I’m happy you’re going to get your shot tomorrow. No missing them anymore. You can’t go without them anymore. Love you bunches and hugs and smooches to you. 🙂

  8. Anne Robinson says:

    I am really late. But I was working on a birthday post at my Tata’s Cottage blog and Thankful Thursday at my annesphamily blog. It has been a day since I am in charge of the canine and feline crew. The kids went to Michigan for the twin bro/sis birthday! It has been quite a day but Nick is off on Friday and Saturday so I am a happy camper. He can tend to the pets tomorrow. HaHaHa
    I love how you created your thankful post. Very cool and very excellent things to be thankful for. Have a terrific weekend sweet friend. HUGS across the miles XO

  9. darlamsands says:

    Very nice! I get two things off the image of the rose, seeing as an ear and eye are shown close-up. I’m guessing you’re grateful as me for a decent sense of smell. 🙂 My favorite is probably the scent of carnations. Yum. Be well and enjoy your day, my dear.

    • Sandee says:

      And taste. You nailed it. I was going for my senses, but then I thought about how thankful I am for having a home. I live in California and the homeless population is everywhere. 🙂

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