Happy Tuesday

Post a funny picture. Post a not so funny picture.

Post whatever weirdness you want. That’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Happy Tuesday post.

Being happy is a good thing.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Happy Tuesday2. Marv’s Horoscopes3. The OP Pack
4. It’s a Snap!5. mimi’s meanderings6. Forgetfulone
7. Zoolatry8. My GBGV Life9. Pawsephone
10. O Dani Girl11. 15andmeowing12. Catblogosphere
13. Brian’s Home14. Simple Living15. Chirp
16. Periwinkle & Stinky17. My Mind’s Eye18. The LLB Gang
19. Flower of the Day20. reverendken21. Fools Rush In
22. Misty River23. Little Binky24. Funny Pages
25. A Shutterbug26. Midnight Calico Farm27. Golch Central
28. Small Tails29. Patrick Weseland30. Mark’s Mews
31. Four-Legged Furballs32. Summer33. Kitty Par-TAY
34. Toozday35. CatSynth

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76 thoughts on “Happy Tuesday

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I love these. People just don’t get it when I try to explain why they’re wrong. For some reason they always seem to get offended. 🙂
    I could probably find the x but I can guarantee you, there is NO treasure there

  2. Xena and Lucy says:

    Wow, can I ever identify with some things better left unsaid. Open mouth, insert foot!
    And why can’t people (especially family) understand that thing that I’m not just NOT arguing, I WON’T argue. If you can’t understand why you’re wrong even when I put it in plain English, then talk to the hand. Hmmm. Wonder if this goes back to the some things better left unsaid….

    • Sandee says:

      You’re most welcome, my friend. I sure do enjoy reading about Carl’s antics. Most entertaining. Happy Tuesday and hugs to you and Mr. Sweetie. 🙂

  3. Skunk says:

    My pet rocks are telling me I’m wrong all the time. When they figure out I’m right, they’re too busy looking for ‘X’ to admit it 😉

  4. Sandra Hangey says:

    our problem here is Bob and I are both the type that no we are right and the other is wrong. so that one fits us to a T

    • Sandee says:

      I hear you. Sometimes it’s not worth the effort. Reminds me of working. Pick your battles as some aren’t worth fighting. 🙂

  5. Suzana says:

    Resuming, we have to pay attention to our words, if we can, when we are angry!
    And I like math… but not finding a treasure yet! 😊

  6. mjgolch says:

    Sandee,those are all excellent,my happy tuesday is now up,I forgot about doing it until just now.in my defence I’ve had a busy day.

  7. roseline says:

    I love it. People just don’t get it when I try to explain why and when they’re wrong. For some reason, they always seem to get offended. Would you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I’ll follow you back. thank you.


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