Happy Tuesday

Post a funny picture. Post a not so funny picture.

Post whatever weirdness you want. That’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Happy Tuesday post.

Being happy is a good thing.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Happy Tuesday2. mimi’s meanderings3. Marv’s Jokes!
4. bailey unleashed5. Curious as a Cathy6. My GBGV Life
7. Zoolatry, A Happy Day8. My Mind’s Eye9. Willy & Fluffy
10. Catblogosphere11. Brian’s Home12. Angelic Clowder
13. The LLB Gang14. Chatty Crone15. Sit a while . . . . . . . .
16. Chirico’s methaphysics17. It’s a Snap!18. O Dani Girl!
19. Cloudia Honolulu20. The OP Pack21. Clockwurk Labyrinth
22. Periwinkle & Stinky23. Happy Tuesday24. Small Tales
25. Simple Living In Nancy26. Xmas Dolly27. Patrick

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64 thoughts on “Happy Tuesday

  1. Invisibly Me says:

    WorkShop, I like that one. With the pandemic, a lot of shops ask for just one shopper from the household. I’m seeing lots of women going into shops and supermarkets, and big groups of guys stood around outside waiting on their phones looking bored! 😆

    Happy Tuesday, have a lovely day! xx

  2. Cathy Kennedy (@ETNHome) says:


    These are all good. “You bonehead” would be offensive to some…that is if they figure out being a bonehead is a bad thing. I’m not sure about some people and seeing how a whole of people these days need someone to tell them what to do or what to think then unless someones says, being a bonehead is offensive then they’d probably give you that deer in the headlight look. lol

    I had to laugh out loud over the dog name Shark. Can you imagine the horrors on people’s faces, when they hear, “SHARK…” the rest of that follows would be drowned out by the chaos of people getting out of the water and off the beach, except for the dog owner and his pup. 😀

    Have a giggletastic day, my dear!

  3. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    ” Shark ” now that would be interesting. When my wife goes shopping at the mall, I just sit down in the bench and look at all the people walk by. Sometimes there could be a beautiful babe but usually it just normal people like me, I’m not a babe. LOL
    Have a great day Sandee.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Sandra Hangey says:

    I prefer my doctor’s to be female so it doesn’t matter if they’re cute or not haha just saying bra ha ha ha ha

  5. Suzana says:

    Thank you for the linking!
    You found funny quotes, indeed. Next time, when I’ll see the word ‘workshop’,
    I shall interpret it differently!:)
    Happy WW and a fine Autumn!

    • Sandee says:

      I’m so ready for fall, cooler weather and all the smoke from the wildfires to go away. Also they are knocking nuts right now and there is dust everywhere. 🙂

  6. Kathe W. says:

    I have always done all the grocery shopping, but then…..my sweetie pie does all the home improvements….well…maybe NOT the vacuuming! Just saying! Have a great day!

  7. The K Clowder says:

    We LOVE ALL of them! Especially “Just Saying”… Mom says she is going to add it to her vocabulary. Sending you loads of special purrs and head bonks! Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon, and Angel Nellie

  8. Angelic Clowder says:

    They are all so funny but the doctor is cute one has mom rolling! She’s still giggling about it! She says sometimes she gets really cute doctors and it makes her all silly and nervous MOL

  9. Jen says:

    But ending conversations inside your head with you bonehead is very satisfying. My interior dialogues help to make conversations much more fulfilling for me 🙂

    Have a great one!

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