Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Go to my sidebar and click on the Feline Friday code.

Paste the code under your cat picture, then add your name and link.
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions. Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions. If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1 – ______________________ brings out the best in me.
2 – _______________________makes me grumpier than Grumpy Cat.
3 – If money grew on trees, I would _________.
4 – I have a fear of _________.

Here are my answers:
1 – Hubby brings out the best in me.
2 – Not having a good cup of coffee in the morning makes me grumpier than Grumpy Cat.
3 – If money grew on trees, I would have to hire someone to harvest it for me. I’m too old to be on a ladder anymore.
4 – I have a fear of stupid people. There are so many and trying to avoid them is becoming more and more difficult.

1. Feline Friday
2. bethere2day
3. messymimi’s meanderings
4. Zoolatry – I Love Lizzie!
5. Luxie
6. Margs Animals
7. Paprika FLIPS!
8. Brian – Sister Dolly
9. Jeanne Foguth
10. Purrseidon & Katsu
11. 15andmeowing
12. Mike Golch
13. Skip & Laurie
14. Laila & Minchie
15. Caren & Cody
16. Marvelous Marv
17. Kathe W.
18. Kitties Blue
19. Four Legged Furballs
20. Eastside Cats
21. Oliver & Nubia
22. violaetcetera
23. Deziz World:
24. The Island Cats
25. Mary (cactus haiku)
26. Linda Arthur Tejera
27. barbara
28. Feline Opines
29. BeadedTail
30. Daisy Mae
31. angelswhisper
32. Eight Ball

80 thoughts on “Feline Friday

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I miss many kitties in my past too, Steve. They are ever embedded in our hearts.

      You can’t fix stupid.

      Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend, Steve. 🙂

  1. DrillerAA says:

    Very handsome feline. I like gray cats. I really like them with blue or green eyes.

    Yes indeed, my wife brings out the best in me. I’m sure that getting harder for her to do each year.
    Having an item in my shopping cart that is missing the bar code makes me grumpier that a grumpy cat. Especially if I’m in the self-checkout line. Grr-r-r.
    If money grew on trees, I would probably have a crop failure or an infestation of IRS tax beetles.
    I have a fear that many people actually believe what politicians tell them.
    Have a blessed week-end.

  2. Margaret Elmendorf says:

    I have to agree with Brain on the stupid people, since I live only an hour from them. If money grew on trees, I sure would find a way to climb that tree. Sandee, you and Zane have a fantastic day.

  3. foguth says:

    Love the little gray kitten! TOTALLY agree with you on stupid people and when I was little I truly thought money grew on trees – my grandfather hybridized pecans, and if you like the paper-shells, you can thank him. Alas, if money grew on trees, I fear the squirrels would quickly become the wealthy elite.

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I love gray kittens too. Okay, I love them in any color. I’m pretty sure if money grew on trees I would miss out on the harvest too. 🙂

      • foguth says:

        Squirrels are horribly insidious, aren’t they? Sid, a friend in Italy, recently found a little gray kitten dying in her garden – she rushed it to the vet, where it stayed for a few days, but now Lemmy has moved in with her and been accepted by her 4 cats…. it’s very heart-warmning to hear about something like this.

  4. 15andmeowing says:

    Very pretty kitty. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Not having coffee makes me very grumpy too. I feel the same on #4 which is why I rarely leave the house 🙂 Have a nice weekend! XO

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I love my morning coffee. You can’t leave the house without running into stupid people. You have a nice weekend too. 🙂

    • Comedy Plus says:

      Me too, Darla. Yes #1 does more than make up for it. You’d probably answer that question just the same as I did. You have a blessed day too. 🙂

  5. Kathe W. says:

    what a darling kitty- sorta looks like a little Lucy! Here are my answers!
    1 – My darling sweet husband brings out the best in me.
    2 – People who do not tell the truth make me grumpier than Grumpy Cat.
    3 – If money grew on trees, I would be rich as we have at least 100 trees on our property.
    4 – I have a fear of heights…don’t ask me to clean the gutters!

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I thought so too. That’s why I posted it. Reminded me of Miss Lucy.

      Love all your answers. Well not #4 as I don’t like heights either. 🙂

  6. Jeanna says:

    I haven’t met many grey kitties but this is a stunner..
    Money brings out the best in me.
    Having little or none of it makes me quite grumpy.
    If money grew on trees I’d me an arborist.
    I have a fear of being broke and homeless. And water.

  7. Marv says:

    Thanks for adding us! And I must say, I think Mom would help with the Money harvesting. I shall volunteer her IF I, Marvelous, get a 50% cut of what she picks!!!
    Tee! Hee!

  8. The OP Pack says:

    That is one very cute kitty there:)

    Mom says the number of stupid people in the world today is just mind-boggling, and why is it that they all seem to be the ones with the power?????

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Lisa says:

    LOL! I completely agree about stupid people. As they say, you just can’t fix stupid. I love the kitty shot you chose for today. I’ve always loved gray kitties. Hope you have a lovely weekend. xoxo

  10. Deziz World says:

    MOL You sound like mommy. She just has to have at least 1 cup of coffee every day. Trust me, ya’ don’t wanna cross her befur she has it. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  11. kittiesblue says:

    Maybe if you get another kitty, it could climb those money trees for you and pluck the money from the branches. Mom says that we all should fear stupid people, as they seem to be growing in numbers daily and are headed by the most stupid person in the world today. Sheesh. Mom loved the little grey kitten. It reminded her of baby Fiona. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  12. mjgolch says:

    Sandee what a cutie,and I am Greatful for My Celestine.Yes I do hate stupid people as well,and it has nothing to do with what political side they are on.

  13. Rosey says:

    LOL to your last one.
    1 – Students in my class bring out the best in me. I changed schools (best move ever) and these kids are so hungry to learn.
    2 – Forgetting my lunch makes me grumpier than Grumpy Cat.
    3 – If money grew on trees, I would become a gardener.
    4 – I have a fear of flying cockroaches (Palmetto bugs) and frogs.

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I met one in northern California and her name is Miss Lucy. Beautiful girl. I don’t like ladders one bit. 🙂

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