Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
tuxpi.com.1660852033Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1, I am not always ___________________.
2. I refuse to eat ____________________.
3. I would happily accept a job offer at _________.
4. _________ is a job I could never do.

Here are my answers:
1. I am not always able to keep up with all my projects. I don’t stress about them anymore though.
2. I refuse to eat grits or cornbread. Grits have zero taste and cornbread is always so dry.
3. I would happily accept a job offer at retirement. I’m not working for anyone anymore.
4. Politics is a job I could never do. They both lie and I’m talking about both sides of the aisle.

1. Feline Friday2. My Minds Eye3. bethere2day
4. Nell & Oliver5. messymimi6. Eric & Flynn
7. Olive The Cat8. Zoolatry9. Friday Fluffers
10. My GBGV Life11. Caboodle of Cozies12. Brians Home
13. Precious14. Socrates Book Reviews15. Friday Cat
16. CatBlogosphere17. Sognafaret18. Cloudia Honolulu
19. Kitties Blue20. Golch Central21. Three Cats
22. Gidget23. Chatty Cats24. Colehaus Cats
25. Bad Cat26. Island Cats27. One Spoiled Cat
28. Summer29. Stunning Keisha30. FriendsFurEver
31. Fur Everywhere32. Mickey’s Musings33. O Dani Girl
34. Tater The Cat35. Animal Shelter Life

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78 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    That is a very handsome cat! I have seen grits in the buffet on the ships but have never been tempted to try them. Even the name is enough to put me off!

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    What a beautiful cat that is.
    I like your fill in answers. Totally agree with that last one. Even the ones that start out with good intentions get drawn in to the dark side of politics. Oh wait, there is only one side of politics so it’s all the dark side 🙂

  3. Molly the Airedale says:

    The kitty is such a beauty! I love grits with lots of butter and salt and pepper and an added fried eggs sometimes and I’ve learned to add sour cream to my corn muffin batter. It makes them not so dry.

  4. Rosey says:

    Hurrah for retirement and boo to politicians! 🙂

    1, I am not always happy that I live in an apartment (but I’m grateful to have one).
    2. I refuse to eat meat (just never liked it).
    3. I would happily accept a job offer being an administrator at the college (I like teaching high school but I miss the money of an admin job).
    4. Being an actor is a job I could never do.

  5. Natasha says:

    Happy Friday Sandee. What an adorns fur ball.
    I’ve been away and missed you all but back today after a shortish birthday week hiatus.

    Love your answers. Sounds so me!

    Have a lovely rest of the week. Hugs xoxo

  6. My GBGV Life says:

    Mom is happy to hear someone else doesn’t like corn bread. She can’t stand it. Politicians are nothing but actors and liars. They used to have a job to do,now they spend most of their time trying to win votes rather than working for the people.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    I refuse to eat onions or anything like snails or gator tails. I tasted both once and that was enough. also don’t eat crab or lobster. agree about no work i would take and no way polictics

  8. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    Sandee you have never ever had grits or cornbread prepared by me!! Grits are probably an acquired taste. While working at NCSU, many of the grad students from different parts of the USA would ask about Grits.
    I started keeping a box of Quaker cheddar cheese Grits in my office and butter in the fridge. If the wanted me to make it for them I would. I converted many to the joys of grits…Some were just happy to say they had at least tried them.
    I am known as Queen of Cornbread. Mine is very moist and cake like, My daughter calls it dessert. She often eats is for breakfast with honey.
    Happy Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Patricia says:

    Beautiful cat but wouldn’t want to have to keep its long hair untangled and silky. I am very happy retired and have no interest in having a job, though sometimes I get bored.

  10. L.M.G. Miller says:

    What a gorgeous kitty! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I know what you mean with #1. Though, admittedly, I still regularly stress about not being able to complete all my projects by the time I want them done. Some of these projects are self-inflicted ones, though, so I probably should work on not worrying about them so much. And I am with you on #4. I could never work in politics, as I’m a terrible liar. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. DrillerAA says:

    That could be a Santa Claus cat with that white fur looking like a beard.
    I really like your fill-ins and agree completely that I could never be an actor. The whole entertainment industry doesn’t appeal to me.
    1, I am not always happy about my situation, but like the apostle Paul, I have learned to be content.
    2. I refuse to eat liver. Never have liked it and never will.
    3. I would happily accept a job offer at a high school or college as the official sports team photographer.
    4. Emergency room doctor/nurse is a job I could never do. You never know what!’s coming through the door, how many pieces are coming, and are the all going to arrive at the same time. No thanks

  12. UP says:

    Here are this weeks questions:
    1, I am not always _patient_______.
    2. I refuse to eat __liver of any kind__________________.
    3. I would happily accept a job offer at _nowhere, i’m done________.
    4. __Veternarian_______ is a job I could never do.

    have a great weekend happy labor day

  13. messymimi's meanderings says:

    Grits are like rice and potatoes, you aren’t eating them for the grits but for the toppings, butter, salt, peoper, cheese, gravy, shrimp, bacon, grillades, etc. It’s not socially acceptable to just eat a stick of butter, but you can put all you want on the grits or rice or potatoes or your favorite butter carrier.

    That cat is regal looking.

    Have a great weekend, hugs!

  14. Kathe W. says:

    AWWWW what a sweet and beautiful kitty! Great fill-ins- especially #4! WE love grits, but I think we must fix them differently than who ever cooked yours! Cheers! xoxoxo

  15. Magical Mystical Mimi says:

    Omg. I am so with you on grits! I felt like Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny, what’s a grit? A grit, a collection of them, is a great big pile of gross, not eating it. I do like cornbread if it’s made right, which should not be dry. I like it with chili and with beans n’ cornbread in the fall.

  16. Curious as a Cathy says:


    It’s hard to keep up with projects. I’ve been pulling my hair out for weeks and months pulling things together to keep life less stressful for vacation. Thankfully, the light is growing brighter and stronger as I’m just about out of that tunnel.

    I love grits and cornbread but don’t eat either frequently. When eating plain grits I think they tasted best lightly salted with a pat of butter. Grits are good with a full southern-style breakfast which includes eggs, sausage/bacon, gravy and biscuits. Mmm! Of course, there’s shrimp and grits which is especially yummy. There was a restaurant in town we’d love to get this at but as long since closed. I made shrimp and grits once. It turned out good but it was a bit time consuming. I’d like have some shrimp and grits again, though. Cornbread is dry. Plain cornbread is good in milk. Have you ever had it like that? That might be a country thing. lol When I make cornbread it’s usually because I’ve made chili or pinto beans, either way the cornbread goes into my beans and that’s good eating. You can make your cornbread a little adventurous by adding cheese and green chiles before pouring the batter into your pan. One of my favorites is to use spicy fried ground beef, onions, cheese, and jalapenos. I pour part of the batter in the pan, then layers all of these extras in the middle before pouring the rest of the batter on top. 🙂

    I’m not interested in taking a job outside the home after all these years. I used to think that I would want to do something but I have enough to keep me busy. The extra money would help in many ways but I would give up other things I feel are very important.

    Politics is a stinky, corrupt job to have. You’re right both sides are horrible with one being worse than the other but it’s just a game for many of those clowns. All it is for them is the power and your money. They don’t care about anything else, even you. The main reason I wouldn’t want to be a politician is no one would support my agenda to keep God first with family and country second. Drop taxes on the classes, especially the working class and enforce a program that frees up tax dollars going to dead beats in our society. I’m not speaking of those with a legitimate reason but the leaches who can work but won’t because it’s easier to get a government check each month. There’s so many other things I’d change but the evil ones in office would make sure I either never got in or pushed out the next term.

    I enjoyed reading your fill-ins, my friend. Have a good weekend!

    • Sandee says:

      I don’t think I’ve had good grits or cornbread. I want to have cornbread that’s not dry.

      Love your fill-ins. Just enjoy your time with DH. Love and hugs. 🙂

  17. meowmeowmans says:

    That is such a beautiful cat. The long fur, the whiskers, and those eyes!

    I would never want to go into politics, either! And it seems like the people who would/could actually be good and honest leaders are the ones who would never even consider going into politics.

  18. Jen says:

    I hear you on politics. I do PR and have done been hired to work for candidates before. It’s getting old. George Washington was right that parties would destroy us. I think we need those to maybe go….

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