Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. In May, I may ___________.
2. Ten years ago, I was ______________.
3. I hope for a future in which _________.
4. I would probably last ____ days in solitary confinement.

Here are my answers:
1. In May, I may go to the boat more. We’ve been so busy with so many things.
2. Ten years ago, I was a member of many yacht clubs. We’re now a member of one and we don’t attend any of their events.
3. I hope for a future in which people are kind.
4. I would probably last 0 days in solitary confinement. I don’t want to be away from hubby at all.

1. Feline Friday2. It’s a Snap!3. messymimi
4. Purrseidon5. bethere2day6. Eric & Flynn
7. Sognafaret8. Zoolatry9. Ambers Book Review
10. Smooch11. MidWeek News12. Friendly Fill-ins
13. O Dani Girl14. 15andmeowing15. Brian’s Home
16. CatBlogosphere17. Socrates Reviews18. Mudpie
19. Friday Cat20. My Mind’s Eye21. Deborah
22. Kitties Blue23. Cloudia Honolulu24. Lily Bit
25. My Tatas Cottage26. Phamily Blog27. Bedtime
28. Cat Wisdom 10129. Animal Shelter Life

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89 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. stevebethere says:

    Aww! I love the way that cat is looking straight at the camera lol 🙂

    Nice fill-ins Sandee hope you get more time on your boat soon with #4 I would be the same heheh!

    Have a kindtastic weekend and FFS ðŸ‘

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    What a pretty cat.
    You’re going to go into boating withdrawals if you don’t start going there more…lol
    I think I might be able last a day or two in solitary but certainly no longer. I would be climbing the wall.

  3. Cleo says:

    Oh dear, I’m sorry to say that your #3 might be a tad bit of a stretch, what with the way things are going and what we see everywhere. I guess there’s always hope, though, no?

  4. My GBGV Life says:

    That cat is one focused feline! You probably have to belong to a yacht club to keep your boat somewhere in the water, but we probably wouldn’t attend the events either.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I don’t like to watch movies that are about people confined in prison, solitary confinement for me would be a total disaster. I would be crazy, I am claustrophobic and just the thought of locked doors makes me nuts. 10 years ago I was 67 and no health issues. what a diffeence 10 years makes

  6. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    I have a soft spot for kitties with pink noses (Madi) and tabbies (Milky-Way) Both had gorgeous white chests and paws.
    If I was in solitary confinement, I pretty sure the walls around me we cave to get away from my constant Chatter.
    My Daddy always said Mama and I could carry on a lengthy conversation with a telephone pole.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. 15andmeowing says:

    Cute kitties. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you get to do more boating in May. And #3 would be nice. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  8. DrillerAA says:

    There is always character photo-bombing the photo shoot.

    In May, I may spend more time studying Bible prophecy.
    Ten years ago, I was giving serious thought to retirement. I retired 11 months later.
    I hope for a future in which there is a spiritual revival in this country that spreads around the world.
    I would probably last 1000 or more days in solitary confinement. I was an only child, so I became accustomed to finding my own entertainment.

      • DrillerAA says:

        Oh, I would miss her and Lucy. Let’s just say I could adapt to the punishment of solitary confinement if I knew the length of the sentence. If it were up to me, a long week-end by myself would be about the limit.

  9. Eugenia says:

    Beautiful kitties and those gorgeous eyes seem to have a lot to say. I love your answers and I wouldn’t fare well in solitary confinement. Happy Friday!

  10. Sandy says:

    Ahhhhh, that picture reminds me of my 2nd cat “little one”. She wasn’t little, but she was the smallest of the liter. Many years ago. In may I may make headway with some weight loss. 10 years ago I was younger, (lol), and lighter weight. I hope for a future in which there is real peace, but highly doubt it will happen in my life time…given my age. I think I might do alright in solitary confidment, provided I had things I could do.

  11. Kathe W. says:

    whoops here are my fill-ins!
    1. In May, I may go to the Mt Shasta area with my sweetie!
    2. Ten years ago, I was “only” 70 years old!
    3. I hope for a future in which peace will reign everywhere!
    4. I would probably last maybe a week in solitary confinement.

  12. Wendy says:

    Thank you Sandee, for letting me know about my Comments being off. It took a while to figure it out, but apparently it wss due to something Google updated which I had no idea about.

    What lovely eyes your chosen kitty has. Cheers!

  13. Anne Robinson says:

    I am back to remind myself to sing Happy Anniversary to Sandee and Zane…although I am not a terrific songtress I sincerely wish you two a beautiful anniversary with many more to come. Enjoy the weekend and always remember how loved you are here because you take such good t=care of us all. HUGS and LOVE

  14. meowmeowmans says:

    We like how that cat is just hanging out with its buddies. We would love a future where everyone is kind. We can dream, right? 🙂 Happy weekend, Sandee!

  15. Pam says:

    Here are this weeks questions:
    1. In May, I may start walking in the evenings.
    2. Ten years ago, I was __I was not retired___________.
    3. I hope for a future in which _____the world is righted right side up again____.
    4. I would probably last ___5
    days in solitary confinement.

    I started every day, week, month ….etc …with a felines.

  16. Rosey says:

    In May, I may have gotten lucky and found a better paying job! I have come to love teaching so much, but it’s just not a liveable wage. The school year is almost over and I have one little window to find something else.
    Ten years ago, I was a mom with 3 kids still in the house! Seems like a lifetime ago since 3 of my 4 now have kids of their own, and the baby is the only one still left at home (and he’s not a baby). 🙂
    I hope for a future in which I own, and can afford to own, a house. #notgivingup
    I would probably last 2 days in solitary confinement. I don’t mind alone time, but only if it’s voluntary.

    • Sandee says:

      Lovely fill-ins. Fingers and toes crossed that you get a better paying job. I don’t mind being alone either, but I would miss hubby very quickly.

      Have a fabulous day, my friend. 🙂

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