Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. I love that ____________________.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of _______ pie.
3. I’d like to be able to _________ every day.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because _______.

Here are my answers:
1. I love that spring is right around the corner. Time for boating and more boating.
2. To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of virtual pie.
3. I’d like to be able to bring someone joy every day.
4. If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because I went to visit someone I loved very much. I’m not going to break the law because I don’t want to ever be a prisoner.

1. Feline Friday2. My Mind’s Eye3. mimi’s meanderings
4. It’s a Snap!5. Phamily Blog6. My Tata’s Cottage
7. Sognafaret8. Feline Friday9. bethere2day
10. Eric & Flynn11. O Dani Girl12. Zoolatry
13. My GBGV Life14. Purrseidon15. Friendly Fill-ins
16. 15andmeowing17. Colletta’s Kitchen18. Deborah
19. CatBlogosphere20. Brian’s Home21. Socrates Book Reviews
22. Golch Central23. Canadian Cats24. Kitties Blue
25. Amber’s Book Review26. Cloudia Honolulu27. Larry Trasciatti
28. Marv & Mom29. Reverend Ken30. Animal Shelter Life

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75 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I will be glad to see spring too. We are having endless days of rain, but at least it is not cold. Our first cruise of the year will be in 4 weeks unless everything escalates.
    Cute cat looking over the wall.

  2. Invisibly Me says:

    I love that spring is just around the corner too. I think we could all do with some brighter days, literally and metaphorically. It’s always a hopeful time so the sooner the better!

    Happy Friday, Sandeeeee – I hope you both have a lovely weekend! 🤗 🌹🌺🌸 xx

  3. My GBGV Life says:

    Very pretty little kitty! We don’t like spring here because it is a huge, ugly mess with things freezing and melting and all the dirt from winter gets exposed. Mid April it won’t be so bad.

  4. messymimi's meanderings says:

    That cat wants to know why the photographer is down on the pavement. “Silly human,” i can hear him saying, “you have feet, why aren’t you on them?”

    Excellent answers. No way do i want to break anyblaws, either, but if they outlaw being a Christian and openly practicing my faith, may i have the strength to say “i’m going down!”

  5. foguth says:

    Meowser excellent answers Ms. Sandee! I purrticularly like the idea of boating… and #4 was excellent, too … it never occurred to me one could visit someone in jail or that I might know anyone who’d end up there.

  6. Sandra Hangey says:

    Me to Me toooo on beind a law abiding citizen, I don’t do things that cause jail time. I even drive the speed limit that is posted. that is the cutest cat up above, make me want to snuggle with it

  7. 15andmeowing says:

    Beautiful kitty. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Good idea to stick with virtual pie- no calories. 🙂 You bring joy to me every Monday- Friday with your posts. Have a nice weekend. XO

  8. Darla M Sands says:

    What a cute kitty with those oversized ears. lol Your fourth fill-in made me sad. ~hugs~ Are you referring to travel restrictions? Best wishes, my dear, and Happy Boating!

    • Sandee says:

      No not the travel restrictions. Visiting someone in Jail isn’t something I would want to do, but I sure don’t want to commit a crime and be arrested. I’ve seen way to many jail cells in my career. 🙂

    • Sandee says:

      Pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream. It’s my favorite of all pie. I can’t remember the last time I had pie. It’s been years. Happy Friday and weekend, my friend. Big hugs. ♥

  9. mjgolch says:

    I love that beautiful cat and what a face, Sandee you really find some amazing cats!! mines up and yes it’s off the wall.💋 💋 💋 💋 🌹 🌹 🌹🌹

    • Sandee says:

      I depend on you for being off the wall. You make me laugh out loud more than you know. Happy Friday and weekend and thanks for linking up. Scritches to Screwball. 🙂

  10. A ShutterBug Explores says:

    Beautiful kitty with that ‘quizzical look’ that is so appropriate for the times we are living ~ Xo

    Lots of hugs and love to you from me and Angel ~

    Wishing you love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Rose A (@mail4rosey) says:

    That is a cutie kitten.

    I like your answers (per usual). Here’s mine. 🙂

    I love that my son and I have a week off for Spring Break.
    To celebrate pi day on Monday, I will have a slice of virtual pie iwith you. 🙂
    I’d like to be able to read every day.
    If I ended up in jail, it would probably be because I got a new job (but I don’t want to work in a jail).

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    Look at that little cutie. It looks like it’s listening very intently to the photographer. 🙂

    We’re ready for spring, too, Sandee! Happy weekend, my friend!

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