Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is _____________.
2. _________________ is on my list to Santa.
3. My Christmas to-do list still includes _________.
4. A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is _________.

Here are my answers:
1. My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is Black Friday shoppers.
2. World peace is on my list to Santa.
3. My Christmas to-do list still includes visiting my grand and great grands.
4. A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is the movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real-life department store. That department store was Macy’s!

1. Feline Friday2. bethere2day3. mimi’s meanderings
4. Grimoirely Adventures5. Santa cat6. Amber’s Book Review
7. Zoolatry8. O Dani Girl9. Eric and Flynn
10. I’m thinking . . .11. Purrseidon12. Brian’s Home
13. Friendly Fill-ins14. My Mind’s Eye15. Friday Cat
16. The Island Cats17. Catblogosphere18. 15andmeowing
19. Deborah20. HSD21. Celestial Kitties
22. Socrates Book Reviews23. Cloudia Honolulu24. Wintertime ??
25. Canadian Cats26. It’s a Snap!27. Kitties Blue
28. Furbabes29. Mark’s Mews30. Sweet Purrfections
31. Cat Training32. Four Legged Furballs33. Stunning Keisha
34. Zen Den35. Feline Friday36. The BLOG
37. Animal Shelter Life38. Art

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84 thoughts on “Feline Friday

    • Sandee says:

      We’re not doing anything special either. We’ll have all the gifts out to our families and that’s that. Hubby and I are fixing Chicken Piccata for Christmas dinner. 🙂

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Those kittens are adorable. I would love finding one in my stocking on Christmas morning. I’m not sure how thrilled Gibbs would be though.
    I have never gone Black Friday shopping. I’ve never even wanted to. I think my biggest pet peeve at Christmas is how much emphasis people put on the gifts.

  2. stevebethere says:

    Haha! how cute are they 🙂

    What nice replies Sandee I hope you get to see your grandkids, I love that film always try and catch it on tv every year 🎅

    Have a kittentastic week and FFS and as always thanks for hosting 👍

  3. My GBGV Life says:

    Our biggest Christmas pet peeve is that it starts before Halloween. It is just too much but that is how the world is. Soon we will be able to buy Christmas items at Easter! The kittens are adorable. Have a great weekend!

  4. foguth says:

    Meowser – Mom’s dream would be finding kittens in her Christmas sock! Purrsonally, I don’t know if I could survive it if she got another kitten or two… Rumble and Merlin fly through the house at mach speed.
    Merry Christmas dear furiend!

  5. Eugi says:

    What adorable stocking stuffers. Black Friday lost its luster for me several years ago. It used to be fun and there were some great deals to be had. My idea of black Friday is cruising through Amazon. Happy Friday!

  6. Sandra Hangey says:

    that is my favorite Christmas movie and did not know the Macy’s part. My pet peeve at Christmas is all the gift giving and charging gifts people can’t afford.

  7. 15andmeowing says:

    Cute kittens, I would love to find my stocking filled with one. 🙂 Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your granddaughter and greats. XO

  8. DrillerAA says:

    My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is those who have no use for the true meaning of the celebration .
    Safe travels for the grandcrew that are traveling home for Christmas is on my list to Santa.
    My Christmas to-do list still includes taking the Christmas family photos.
    A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree began in Germany.

  9. Kathe W. says:

    Darling stockings duo! Your fill-ins are spot on- here are my answers:

    My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is all the Christmas music being played in stores etc long before Thanksgiving..
    World peace is on my list to Santa.
    My Christmas to-do list still includes my son Paul coming to visit us….hopefully!
    A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is ??? I don’t think I know any .

  10. UP says:

    Love the kittens in the stockings!


    My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is ungrateful people and those dogs singing Jingle Bells..
    Nothing is on my list to Santa.
    My Christmas to-do list still includes makding chocolate fudge.
    A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is Winter Wonderland wasn’t written as a Christmas Song!

  11. Pamela Jackson says:

    1. My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is __trying to decide what to get folks___________.
    2. _____________Canned popcorn____ is on my list to Santa.
    3. My Christmas to-do list still includes ____enjoying family and friend times_____.
    4. A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is __…..I have no clue_______.

    • Sandee says:

      Yes, they can be cranky this time of year. People are spending money they don’t have and everyone is in a hurry. I’m not. Love you. Scritches to the babies and a smooch to Marv. 🙂

  12. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I would love to have kittens in a stocking! It reminds me that Ann of Zoolatry did a Christmas header of Eric and Flynn in stockings. It was probably 10 or more years ago so I may dig it out from my files to use this year.
    Nice fill ins, but it will be just the two of us again this year as Covid is rising so fast again.

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    Goodness gracious, what cute little stocking stuffers! Sandee, I have the same wish for Santa. World peace sure would be wonderful! Thank you for hosting, my friend. Happy weekend!

  14. Rose A (@mail4rosey) says:

    Those kitties are sure cute. I have that red heart ornament. 🙂

    I agree, world peace would be nice!

    My biggest pet peeve at Christmastime is feeling obligated to buy gifts for everyone…I stopped doing that a couple of years ago and it’s so nice. I now buy for my kids and grandkids, and that’s it (with rare exception). 🙂
    You know what is on my list to Santa (hopefully it will happen in 2022). 🙂
    My Christmas to-do list still includes finding a special gift for my daughter.
    A random piece of Christmas trivia that I know is that some countries hang their Christmas trees upside down from the ceiling.

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