Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was __________.
2. When ______________, I want to _______________.
3. _________ doesn’t bother me.
4. I don’t handle _________ very well.

Here are my answers:
1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was a set of keys that my toddler son managed to make disappear.
2. When I wake up, I want to have a hot cup of coffee.
3. Waiting for my turn doesn’t bother me. I always have a book to read and time passes pleasantly.
4. I don’t handle gridlock traffic very well. Our freeways here are clogged most of the time.

1. Feline Friday2. It’s a Snap!3. mimi’s meanderings
4. Sognafaret5. O Dani Girl6. Zoolatry
7. Eric & Flynn8. bethere2day9. Purrseidon
10. Brian’s Home11. 15andmeowing12. Friendly Fill-ins
13. My Mind’s Eye14. Catblogosphere15. Deborah
16. Kitties Blue17. Canadian Cats18. Socrates Book Reviews
19. XmasDolly20. Food For Thought21. Mark’s Mews
22. Mr. Jinx Forever23. Summer24. Friendly Fill-ins
25. CatSynth26. Amber’s Book Review27. Colehaus Cats
28. Sweet Purrfections29. Lone Star Cats30. Animal Shelter Life

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81 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    The cat reminds me of the one a girl at work has.
    I’m the same way with wanting a cup of coffee first thing after I get up.
    I’m horrible in heavy traffic. It makes me appreciate where I live since it’s more rural. My trips to the bigger towns are minimal because I hate driving in traffic.

  2. Cleo says:

    And what better feline than a floofy one! Dad says he loves that header photo. Reminds him of his roots. As for your #2 answer, I think you and dad are soulmates on that one.

  3. foguth says:

    Meowser what a handsome cat! As per #2, Mom always has a book in her purse, so she actually seems to like waiting.
    Great answers for all… btw, our traffic is at its worst in the winter (starting now) due to SnowBirds flicking down to Florida… since covid began, some never returned, but many of them are terrible drivers.
    Purrseidon, who thanks you for hosting this blog hop.

  4. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    Raising toddlers and cats are very much the same. You just never know what they will get into next.

    PS I meant to add I have quite a fondness for gray and white kitties with pink noses.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. 15andmeowing says:

    Such a cute kitty, looks like my Brody. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I don’t know how you deal with traffic. We take backroads most of the time to avoid traffic. I wonder what happened to your keys- maybe they got flushed. 🙂 Have a nice weekend. XO

  6. UP says:

    Happy feline Friday!

    Something I lost, and was never able to find was my high school diploma!.
    When __Joy Reid speaks_, I want to groan…want to, heck, I usually do!!.
    _Hot weather doesn’t bother me.
    I don’t handle stress very well.

  7. Nancy Chan says:

    I love your blog header. I used to have a problem with waiting but now it is no longer a problem. I know how to keep myself occupied while waiting and plus the hand phone helps a lot.

  8. Deborah says:

    I love these pictures you find where the photographer captures such intense stares! Beautiful Sandee! Have a really fun Friday and weekend! Big hugs! 🙂 <3

  9. Kathe W. says:

    Such a handsome yet worried kitty! Love your answers- especially #3 as I also tote a book with me ….makes waiting easy! Have a great weekend …xoxoxo Kathe R and Lucy!

    • Sandee says:

      You and Russell are so laid back. I’m sure you’ve learned how to pass waiting time well. Happy Friday and weekend. Love and hugs to you, Russell and Miss Lucy. 🙂

  10. Sandra Hangey says:

    I don’t remember ever losing anything I could not find, but I do remember my best friend in Savannah losing her brand new giant jar of Peanut butter. she put it away until baking day and never saw it again, not even a few years later when they sold there house and moved. all the last 3 of yours i could use them because they are true of me..

  11. yvonne473 says:

    Beautiful cat. I, too, have to have coffee first thing in the morning. I bring a book with me everywhere, just in case I have to wait. I hate traffic. I have no patience for it. Have a great weekend!

  12. Invisibly Me says:

    Eugh, traffic is rubbish when you’re a driver. I used to like it when I was a kid and my dad was driving, I could just take a nap 😉

    Happy Friday, Sandee! Any plans for the weekend? I hope you both have a relaxing one. xx

    Caz xx

    • Sandee says:

      It’s a lot of stop and go on our freeways. Just awful most of the time. Happy Friday and weekend. We’re staying home this weekend. Doing some housework. Hugs. 🙂

  13. darlamsands says:

    What a face! And I’m sorry about busy highways. It’s not too bad around here in Southwest Ohio but I do hate driving to the Northeast region where many friends and family continue living. ~hugs~ Be well, my dear.

  14. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    That is a very intense look. Don’t speak to me in the morning until I have had my first coffee, or preferably two.

  15. XmasDolly aka Marie says:

    I wanted to surprise you to show you I joined you today, but I guess you joined me. Someone came to the door (mailman) and then I saw I didn’t finish the dishes, I let out the dog and then went for the mail and I sit down, check everything and there you were. God bless you my sista you beat me to the punch! hahahaha Well, I won’t say I’ll do it every week, but today I was home and getting bored with crocheting (I have a baby blanket to finish before Christmas for my great-granddaughter. She’s such a cutie pie. Anyway, you have a great weekend my love. See you in my dreams… and as my grand-kids say love you all the way around your heart! HUGS!

    • Sandee says:

      I saw your post and saw that you didn’t link up so I linked up for you. Hops helps drive traffic to blogs. I love the hops. I love you too, honey. Have a fabulous weekend. 🙂

  16. Pamela Jackson says:

    TOTALLY loving the banner pics that keep popping up. Nice….great answers also. Here are mine..
    1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was a necklace.
    2. When fall comes, I want to pull out the sweaters..
    3. the ending of summer season doesn’t bother me.
    4. I don’t handle drama very well.

  17. mjgolch says:

    Sandee since I did not do a Feline Friday this week,I was busy getting my New (to me) Camper Van. I did a post about it today! But I did want to play along this week,Here are my answers:
    1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was a set of keys that I misplaced when I was Drunk.
    2. When I wake up, I Than God for Waking me up and than I want to have a hot cup of coffee.
    3. Waiting for my turn doesn’t bother me,I An Airman and I can hurry up and wait all day long.
    4. I don’t handle gridlock traffic very well. Our freeways here are clogged Because of Construction projects.

  18. Jen says:

    The gridlock traffic is one of the hardest things for me to take in California. It drives me batty! I need my wide open spaces for sure 🙂

    Have a great weekend 🙂

  19. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, that’s a beautiful kitty, for sure.

    Sandee, maybe your keys are wherever it is that the stray sock always seems to disappear to. LOL

    Happy weekend, my friend! 🙂

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