Feline Friday

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Feline Friday post.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!
Image Credit: Click on Image

Friendly Fill-ins

Each Thursday Ellen of 15andmeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs, provide Friendly Fill-in questions.

Ellen came up with the first two questions and Lorianne came up with the last two questions.

If you need help, please let either Ellen or Lorianne know.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. A memory I have of ____ is ______.
2. I always complain about _________.
3. I have a lot in common with _____.
4. Right now I’m ______, but I’d rather be _____.

Here are my answers:
1. A memory I have of my youth is not appreciating my youth.
2. I always complain about unkind people and there are so many.
3. I have a lot in common with Maxine and Aunty Acid.
4. Right now I’m at home, but I’d rather be boating.

1. Feline Friday2. bethere2day3. It’s a Snap!
4. mimi’s meanderings5. Flashback with Fitz6. Phamily Blog
7. Memories of Eric & Flynn8. Zoolatry9. Purrseidon
10. Socrates Book Reviews11. Golch Central12. Friendly Fill-ins
13. Brian’s Home14. Mudpie15. Fools Rush In
16. Mudpie17. 15andmeowing18. Friday Cat
19. Catblogosphere20. Deborah21. My Mind’s Eye
22. Cloudia Honolulu23. reverendken24. Friday Fluffers
25. Mudpie26. Flashback Friday27. Summer
28. Colehaus Cats29. Friendly Fill-Ins30. Feral Friday
31. Fashion Friday32. Animal Shelter Life

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93 thoughts on “Feline Friday

  1. stevebethere says:

    Aww! what a beautiful kitten 🙂

    I am with you on #2 and I hope you get back to boating very soon 🙂

    Have a kindtastic weekend and FFS and thanks for hosting as always 👍

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    That kitten is adorable. I think it should come to live with me 🙂
    I can relate to not appreciating my youth. It would be nice to be young again but with my older me attitude.

  3. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    When we are young we want to be older and wish our lives away.
    I agree, there are too many unkind people in the world. There are also a lot of very kind people too. In March 2020 when the pandemic started I was advised to shelter due to low immunity. We were amazed by the number of people who rang or called around (at a safe distance) to make sure we were okay or if we needed anything.

  4. Invisibly Me says:

    Aww what a sweetiepie, he/she has such cool colourings. Adorable 💜

    Happy Friday, Sandee! When are you boating next? Hopefully that’ll give you something to look forward to. In the mean time, I hope you have a relaxing weekend at home lovely xx

  5. My GBGV Life says:

    Mom says when you are young you really don’t appreciate everything but she wishes she had. We wish we were doing nose work, but we get to go on a road trip for Olivia’s trial tomorrow and that makes us happy. You get to go boating soon 🙂

  6. Nancy Chan says:

    Hello, cute kitty. I too wished I had appreciated my youth. During this pandemic, we have come across many thoughtless and unkind people but I am glad that there are many more kind and compassionate people out there than the unkind people.

    • Sandee says:

      You’re right about many kind folks, but it seems of late I’ve been running into the not so nice folks. Happy weekend, Nancy. 🙂

  7. Sandra Hangey says:

    I always complain about the HEAT. the outside heat. I also complain about people, health insurance, docotor offices, people who don’t get vaccinated and don’t wear mask, the way people treat their pets, i could go on. ha ha

  8. 15andmeowing says:

    Such a cute kitten. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. My answer for #2 was similar. I am sorry about your childhood, but glad you are making up for it now and enjoying life. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  9. Caren says:

    I sure didn’t appreciate my youth either! I’m right with you about Maxine and Aunty Acid, I have a lot in common with them too! Love that calico kitty!!

  10. Rose A (@mail4rosey) says:

    That is the cutest of cutest cute kitty I’ve ever seen!!

    If only we appreciated our youth!! 🙂

    Here’s mine:

    A memory I have of my grandma is how kind she was to me, without exception or fail.
    I always complain about the price of houses. 😉
    I have a lot in common with the women in my family.
    Right now I’m home, but I’d rather be on vacation (preferably Venice, London, or NYC).

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Sandee says:

      It’s a cute kitty indeed.

      Thanks for playing along and I hope you get to buy a home soon. I know that’s a huge dream of yours.

      Your vacation ideas sound wonderful.

      You have a wonderful weekend too. 🙂

  11. UP says:

    Beautiful kitten!

    A memory I have of my dad is him cooking breakfast every Sunday so mother could get us ready for church.
    I always complain about traffic.
    I have a lot in common with few people
    Right now I’m living in Georgia, but I’d rather live near my kids.

  12. Kathe W. says:

    What a darling kitty- such sweetness! Have a great day- especially if you are out on your boat! Cheers!
    Here are my answers:
    1. A memory I have of my childhood is how lucky I was to have such a great mother.
    2. I always complain about how divided our country has become. We all used to be kind and not discuss politics. I just
    remember my mother saying ” Do not discuss money, religion nor politics”.
    3. I have a lot in common with our lovely neighbors.
    4. Right now I’m at home, but I’d rather be in Italy.

    • Sandee says:

      We’re having a heatwave that will last through Monday. We’re going to the boat on Tuesday.

      Love your fill-ins and especially #2. So true. Being in Italy would be fun. 🙂

  13. Cecilia Upchurch says:

    Sandee I’m so very late today. We had an unexpected chore this am…it should have been 5 min but it turned into an hour and a trip to Lowes. No worries I will post about it. As Bryan says if if happens here it will appear there/blog. Anyway I got behind. And OMCs we both have an adorable calico on our post today.
    Hugs and happy weekend

    • Sandee says:

      I know all about those five minute fixes that take hours sometimes. Sounds like your house and mine are about the same. Hugs and happy weekend to you too. 🙂

  14. Patricia says:

    The calico cat is beautiful. I have never had a calico but would like to, they are unique in their coloring.
    I understand about your memory of youth. I was too busy being a rebel to enjoy or appreciate being young.

  15. Mareli Thalwitzer says:

    Maxine and Auntie Acid?? Oh I love you already!

    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by earlier!

  16. DrillerAA says:

    Loved your answers today. Yes, I would change a few decisions of my youth. I would have concentrated on baseball instead of football. I had a better baseball skill set. I always complain about politics. Both sides need to have a Come to Jesus meeting with Jesus Himself. I have a lot in common with my wife, which is a good thing. Like you, I am home, but I would rather be fishing or out capturing images. Have a blessed week-end.

    • Sandee says:

      We’re having another heatwave so going to the boat is out of the question. Next Tuesday we’re going on a cruise. Thanks for playing along. 🙂

    • Sandee says:

      Tomorrow morning. We’re ready. Yes going on the weekends isn’t necessary. You need to find the days you’re not boating in triple digit weather. 🙂

  17. L.M.G. Miller says:

    What a gorgeous kitty! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! When I really think about it, I realize I can really relate to your #1. When you’re young, you sure do take it for granted, don’t you? I hope your week is going wonderfully!

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