Comment Game

CommentGameIt’s time to play the comment game again. It’s fun and easy to play. Everyone seems to enjoy this game and I so love some of the things you all come up with. So play nice.

Here’s how it goes:

I’ll start the game off at the bottom of this post by choosing two/three words or phrases, like coffee or tea, and which ever one you prefer you choose. You can also explain why. When you have done that you do two/three new words or phrases for the next commenter to choose from. Feel free to come back as often as you like. Just have fun. If someone derails the game will one of you put it back on track? Thanks.

First comment: Muscle Car, Mini Van or Luxury Car?

21 thoughts on “Comment Game

  1. Ann says:

    Tough choice but I can eliminate swimming since I don't swim. I guess so long as I was armed with bug spray I would pick Jungle trekking.

    Picnic in the park or fancy restaurant

  2. "Annie" says:

    This is a tough one…I love the smell and taste of popcorn, but I think I'm gonna have to pick potato chips because there are so many great dips.

    The beach or a field of soft Irish clover?

    I love this game, Sandee.

    Have a great day- 🙂

  3. Jim says:

    Hi Annie, Hi Sandee. Another tough one. It's a tie for me, both are beautiful scenes but only one is fun. Just tipped to the beach.

    Beatles or Elvis?


  4. Michelle F says:

    Wow, this one is hard. I like drama & comedy.
    I'll go with comedy, cause everyone needs a good laugh.

    plane, train, or hot air balloon?

    Thanks, once again, for doing these fun games, Sandee!

  5. Skunkfeathers says:

    I tried to print a book and e a book and Vanna wouldn't let my buy a vowel so I picked up a print book and throwd it at her and she caught it and throwd it back, putting me in a binding. Pet rock or elephant?

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