Awww Mondays

Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays. Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post here and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post. What better why to start the week than with a smile.
Image Credit: Click on Image


Annie of McGuffy’s Reader is hosting Sparks, an inspirational and positive thought for the week link-up, every Monday. Annie is taking a much needed blogging break, please keep her in your prayers.

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” Earl Nightingale

1. Awww Mondays
2. Driller’s Place
3. messymimi’s meanderings
5. Brian – Mancat Monday
6. Margs Animals
7. Earning Online Roundup
8. 15andmeowing
9. Purrseidon
10. Jeanne Foguth
11. peripheralperceptions
12. Eugenia
13. Woodsterman
14. Willy & Fluffy
15. A ShutterBug Explores
16. Kathe W.
17. Eastside Cats
18. Ramona
19. Fifi-Lola
20. misadventures of Milo
21. Monday Moanings
22. Caren & Cody
23. Curious as a Cathy
24. Mike Golch
25. Hairballs & Hissyfits
26. The OP Pack
27. Little Binky & Granny
28. Teddy
29. Crystal & Daisy Mae
30. XmasDolly
31. Anne

79 thoughts on “Awww Mondays

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I think all kitties are all about mischief. That’s what makes them so irresistible. You have a wonderful start of your week, too. 🙂

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I loved this kitty. It just jumped off the page at me and as for the quote it’s what I live by. Happy week to you too. 🙂

  1. Lisa says:

    i love your Spark today….especially in our case. The blue of that adorable kitty’s eyes is so pretty with the blue background. i hope you have a fantastic week. And, I don’t think I’ll be the last entry this week!! Maybe I’m getting more organized?! 🙂

    • Comedy Plus says:

      You’re doing very well this week. I only have the linky open for 48 hours so it’s not a lot of time. I’ve so many memes going I need to stay on top of them. You have a fantastic week too. 🙂

  2. XmasDolly says:

    Oh my gosh, look at those blue eyes… awwwwwwwwwwww! Just got up from resting and I think I have to go back to get some rest from my resting. Just waiting now for the nurse to call to tell me what time to be there for surgery. Man, nothing like keeping a person on pins & needles, but anyway I wanted to stop by and thank you for all your kind words & prayers. YOU’RE DUH BEST!!! BIG HUGS!!!! Thanks for stopping by.

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I’ll continue to pray that all goes well. I know you’ll feel much better after you get through the surgery. You’ll see. You’ll have a new lease on life. Love you, Marie. 🙂

      • XmasDolly says:

        aWWWW You’re the sweetest ever… so many good people have been prayin’ for me & I feel blessed. Love you to girlfriend! Surgery is at 10:15 a.m. tomorrow… think of me! HUGS

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    That little kitten is adorable. And that quote/spark for today is such a good one! Hope you’re having a great week, Sandee. 🙂

    • Comedy Plus says:

      You are not late, Anne. You’re here and that’s all that counts. I love to see your site in my feed. You have a beautiful week too, my friend. Hugs back. 🙂

  4. Cathy Kennedy (Author Curious as a Cathy) says:


    It’s been a crazy week as you can imagine. I still don’t have a handle on things but I’m sure I”ll get there at some point. Thanks for adding me to your linky party. I’m doing okay from my ear tube surgery but I picked up something that threw me for a loop. Yesterday DH had dental surgery (tooth extraction & implant). The doctor had a difficult time getting it out so he was more sore than usual. He slept in this morning longer before going to work. I sure appreciated your prayers for me and DH, as well as for those for Marie. We can never get too many of them, can we? 😉

    Your kitty is so precious. I just love it and that quote is spot on! Have an awwwwesomely sparkletastic week, dearie!

    • Comedy Plus says:

      I hope everyone gets back to normal soon. Being sick or hurt isn’t good. Makes everything so difficult. You are right about one thing, we can never get to many prayers. I will continue to pray for you and DH and Marie too. 🙂

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