Awww Mondays

Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays.

Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post.

What better way to start the week than with a smile.

1. Awww Mondays2. Vacation at Home3. Driller’s Place
4. mimi’s meanderings5. bailey unleashed6. Gattina
7. Goddess Athena8. Aww Creatures9. Curious as a Cathy
10. My GBGV Life11. The Island Cats12. A ShutterBug Explores
13. Golch Central14. Moon Watching15. Woodsterman
16. Catblogosphere17. Willy & Fluffy18. Brian’s Home
19. Purrseidon20. Jeanne Foguth21. Catscue
22. Angelic Clowder23. The LLB Gang24. My Minds Eye
25. Kitties Blue26. Variety Bouguet27. Molly Monday
28. Deborah29. Ruby the Airedale30. Xmas Dolly
31. Cloudia Honolulu32. Lily Bit33. Hairballs & Hissyfits
34. Phamily Blog35. Have a loving day36. The OP Pack
37. O Dani Girl!

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99 thoughts on “Awww Mondays

  1. Invisibly Me says:

    Hehehe these are brilliant! That great dane trying to balance in the inflatable band in the pool is what I’d look like trying to do it 😂

    Thanks for the giggles, Sandee! You find some great funnies.
    I hope you have a lovely week ahead xx

  2. Cathy Kennedy says:


    If I wore a fur coat in the summer I’d be jumping in every puddle of water I came across. Poor doggies! These in the video are having a good time staying cool, though. The one in the sink cracked me up! 😀 So, happy y’all are safe from the wildfires. Saying special prayers for you, your community, and home. {{hugs}}

    • Sandee says:

      Me too, Cathy. We used to make sure our Little Bit had summer cuts when it was hot out and if we were outside we’d run cool water over her. She loved that. Hugs. 🙂

  3. mjgolch says:

    Good one, our Cookie did not like baths so much she would tolerate them, but the minute the water was shut off she would stat shaking the water off her getting the whole bathroom wet if we weren’t fast enough with the towels to block the water from flying everywhere. 🤣🤣💕💕

    • Sandee says:

      Our Little Bit didn’t mind baths at all. She didn’t like to swim though. They are all different aren’t they. Thanks for playing along, Mike. 🙂

  4. Sandra Hangey says:

    The video is priceless! I can’t even pick which part of it I like the best. I wish big boy liked water so he could get in our pool

  5. foguth says:

    MEOWSER!!!!! Ms. Sandee, I don’t like that – I LOVE it! Oh to have so many dog furiends to play in the water with!
    PS: thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  6. A ShutterBug Explores says:

    the dogs sure know how to cool off ~ wonderful video ~ ^_^ such fun!

    Xox to you and hubby and thanks for the healing hugs ~ need them all ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Deborah says:

    Oh Sandee you outdid yourself! This is so different and original! It gave me the good laugh I so desperately needed! Thank you! Have a marvelous Monday and week! Extra big hugs to you! 🙂

  8. XmasDolly says:

    Oh my gosh, did you see all the black labs in there? I love this video. You’re duh best my sista! Sending BIG HUGS out to you of course and also because you are safe from that nasty fire… has the smoke died down any honey? I still say you should come over here and spend the week… two if you like with me! ~hehehehe~ HEYYYYY GOOD EXCUSE AS ANY RIGHT? hahahaha Tell Hubby I said so and I’m the big sista/older sista however you wanna look at it and you have to listen to me…. oh no wait… that dropped when you married… now you have to listen to hubby or him you… yeah tell him you said so! bwahahahaha Gotta love you guys! Love the video.. that one of the puppy wetting himself was a hoot, and I said I would remember that one and tell you that was my favorite & then another one came on and another and the smart one surfing across the pool bwahahahaha Oh my gosh, the whole thing is a “HOOT”!!! You got a great video there my love!!! Be careful… oh and maybe you two could take a ride on the boat and get away from the smoke for a while some place… oh wait!!!!! I KNOW A PLACE!!!! ~HEHEHEHEHEHE! BATAVIA! Oh yeah, no smoke and MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We can go for a ride on your boat up Fox River… that’s where I live and you can dock the boat only 4 blocks away. Yeah, they have a dock there. So cool! We can all go for a ride and have tons of fun and the whole time I could give you a 1,000 hugs & a smooch on the cheek now & then would be nice too! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! 🙁 I miss you already!!!! bummmmmmmmmmer!!! LUV YA my sista from anotha mutha!!! Oh wait we can have two muthas. You send me a picture of your mom & I’ll send you one of mine. Mine is in heaven though and I miss her so much!!! HUGS & smooches have a great day & watch out for all that smoke. YUKY!!!!

    • Sandee says:

      Smoke was not bad yesterday, but today it’s awful. I think it’s going to be this way for a very long time. I love you bunches, Marie. Thanks for stopping by and playing along. Love and hugs. 🙂

  9. The OP Pack says:

    Oh, that was so much fun. Our neighbor up the street has that same fountain that the black lab was in. We might just have to ask him if we can try it out too:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. World Of Animals, Inc. says:

    Happy Awww Monday!! It is just so great to see this excellent video that you shared. They were all to funny. The dog jumping on their human while they were swimming was just too funny. Have a great rest of your week.

    • Sandee says:

      I figured as much, Ellen. I thought about you, but we were running around all day yesterday and I didn’t do much blogging. I hope you can keep your power on now. 🙂

  11. XmasDolly says:

    Oh my gosh, did you see all the black labs in there? I love this video. You’re duh best my sista! Sending BIG HUGS out to you of course and also because you are safe from that nasty fire… has the smoke died down any honey? I still say you should come over here and spend the week… two if you like with me! ~hehehehe~ HEYYYYY GOOD EXCUSE AS ANY RIGHT? hahahaha Tell Hubby I said so and I’m the big sista/older sista however you wanna look at it and you have to listen to me…. oh no wait… that dropped when you married… now you have to listen to hubby or him you… yeah tell him you said so! bwahahahaha Gotta love you guys! Love the video.. that one of the puppy wetting himself was a hoot, and I said I would remember that one and tell you that was my favorite & then another one came on and another and the smart one surfing across the pool bwahahahaha Oh my gosh, the whole thing is a “HOOT”!!! You got a great video there my love!!! Be careful… oh and maybe you two could take a ride on the boat and get away from the smoke for a while some place… oh wait!!!!! I KNOW A PLACE!!!! ~HEHEHEHEHEHE! BATAVIA! Oh yeah, no smoke and MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! We can go for a ride on your boat up Fox River… that’s where I live and you can dock the boat only 4 blocks away. Yeah, they have a dock there. So cool! We can all go for a ride and have tons of fun and the whole time I could give you a 1,000 hugs & a smooch on the cheek now & then would be nice too! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!! 🙁 I miss you already!!!! bummmmmmmmmmer!!! LUV YA my sista from anotha mutha!!! Oh wait we can have two muthas. You send me a picture of your mom & I’ll send you one of mine. Mine is in heaven though and I miss her so much!!! HUGS & smooches have a great day & watch out for all that smoke. YUKY!!!! MAN, AM I GLAD I STOPPED BACK. GUESS WHAT I FORGOT TO POST THIS COMMENT! DAMMMMMMMMMMMM I HATE THAT! LUV YA, HONEY! TALK AT YA LATER. LOVE THE AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

    • Sandee says:

      We are sisters no matter what. I’m glad you enjoyed the video and yes it’s smokey here. Pretty much what happens every summer. California burns. Love you sweetie. 🙂

  12. Nancy Chan says:

    I enjoy watching this video. Makes me laugh and wish I were there in person. The pups are so happy playing with the water. It must have a very hot day. Great idea to have a pool just for the furry friends to enjoy.

  13. Jen says:

    Eddie hates water. He is like a lizard and will sit in the hot sun, bu touch him with one drop of water and he freaks out! Our other fur family member Zoe loved the water. I guess it really does depend on the dog?!

    Have a great one!

  14. Jan K says:

    That was so fun! I loved the fountain that they operated themselves…our goldens would have had fun with that. Luke would have too, when he was younger, but he seemed to outgrow his love of water.

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