Awww Mondays

Join us every Monday for Awww…Mondays.

Post a picture that makes you say Awww…and that’s it.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Awww…Mondays post.

What better way to start the week than with a smile.
Image Credit: Click on Image

1. Awww Mondays2. It’s a Snap!3. mimi’s meanderings
4. bailey unleashed5. Gattina6. Son of God?
7. Special Celebration8. Zoolatry9. My GBGV Life
10. My Mind’s Eye11. Toby Tomcat12. The Island Cats
13. Catscue14. 15andmeowing15. Golch Central
16. A ShutterBug Explores17. Brian’s Home18. Deborah
19. August Moon20. Willy & Fluffy21. Phamily Blog
22. Cat Wisdom 10123. Catblogosphere24. Xmas Dolly
25. Aaaawrty Monday26. Angelic Clowder27. Curious as a Cathy
28. Woodsterman29. Jeanne Foguth30. Purrseidon
31. Kitties Blue32. Big Boy33. Under the Pink
34. Goddess Athena35. Baby Sitter’s Club36. Black Cats BBHQ
37. Hairballs & Hissyfits38. Miss Ruby39. Cloudia Honolulu
40. The OP Pack41. Turtle42. RompRollRockies

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98 thoughts on “Awww Mondays

  1. Invisibly Me says:

    Nawww, busy at work helping out with the gardening! I could never get angry at that little face, no matter what state he left the garden in  ♥

    I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner, Sandee, but I’ve just started following you on Insta & Twitter 🙂

    I hope you & hubby both have a lovely week ahead.xx

    • Sandee says:

      Yes some pups love to play in a mud hole. We are in another heatwave. It’s mighty HOT here. Pawkisses for a happy week. My best to your granny. 🙂

  2. Ann says:

    LOL, LOVE this picture. Those muddy paws just crack me up and I bet he is having so much fun. I can picture him running across the floor leaving a trail of muddy paw prints.

  3. Sandra Hangey says:

    Looks like the hole dug to China just filled up with water. Baby used to dig holes to China all the time but if they got water in them she wouldn’t come anywhere near him because she hated to get her paws wet or muddy unlike this book

    • Sandee says:

      Yes the good time part is a good thing. Baths were always very easy to do with Little Bit. She would just stand there and let you clean her. 🙂

  4. mjgolch says:

    that golden has a look as if to say Now what do I do? Golch Central needs all the prayer warriors to send knee mail up for’s posted on my F.B.Page.

  5. foguth says:

    Meowser Ms. Sandee, that is a fine mud hole and the pupper should be guaranteed many baths!
    Have a wonderful week and thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  6. The Gang at LLB says:

    What a cutie! Thank goodness we have a couple more months until mud season starts, hopefully Sunny will be out of her “get into everything” phase….LOL

  7. The OP Pack says:

    That photo is definitely worth a smile until it is time to go inside and Mom says, OH NO!!! Get out the bucket for paw dunking:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Sandee says:

      I played in the mud holes too and didn’t get in trouble. Sometimes we were washed off with the hose before we came in the house, but that was fun too. 🙂

  8. Angelic Clowder says:

    What a sweet muddy puppy!! Sorry we’re stopping by so late! Mom has been yucky today! She was cuddling us in bed all day!

  9. Anne Robinson says:

    Oh what a cutie, mud and all! I was super early posting but forgot to link. Thank you my friend. Late commenting but trying my best to catch everyone. Have a great week my friend. HUGS across the miles.

  10. XmasDolly says:

    Well, the look on that puppy’s face is really intent, don’t you think? hahahaha Poor puppy whatever is in that mud-hole he definitely wants! hahaha So you know I’m doing A-OK! I’m still not sitting to well cuz my butt is still sore. I’ve been sleeping a lot too for some reason! hmmmm So check this out we went to pay our taxes and we’ve been doing everything by the book. We went and got the paper signed, and notarized the works. So we’re waiting and no calls. We wanted to know how much we would have to pay & she said we’ll call you. NO CALLS date went by and POOF! Nothing! So we decided to call there and no answer. We went to see what was up and there’s no one there except for the office where you pay. hmmmmm So we went back in the car and called and the gentleman said we’d have to pay and there was a $75 fine. OMG My husband was livid & so was I. Long story short we paid and left. OMG! What a day… what a week! So kinda tired and I’m off to bed. Love you girl. Thought I’d let you know I’m still breathing! Have a great night. HUGS

    • Sandee says:

      I hope the shot is working for you and you probably need all the sleep, so go for it. I’m sure you weren’t sleeping well when you were in all that pain. Yikes on the taxes. I swear people do the most awful things to collect more money. Love you bunches honey. 🙂

  11. Nancy Chan says:

    Oh dear! Your mommy is going to faint when you stepped into the house leaving your dirty footprints everywhere you went! Lol! Maybe puppy is trying to catch a fish.

  12. DrillerAA says:

    I got a little off schedule this week and got nothing posted for today. Well, there’s always next week.

    That pup is priceless. “Well, that was fun, but I’m gonna be in time-out when I mom sees this.”

  13. Jan K says:

    My goldens loved mud so much! I have some adorable puppy photos of them all covered in it. We called them “self-cleaning” too, because if you just left them outside to dry off, all the dirt magically slid off them! 🙂

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