Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful that hubby and I are going on our second annual Thanksgiving dinner on the Sierra Dinner Train.

I’m thankful for the wonderful life that hubby and I have. We are not rich, but we are happy and comfortable.

I’m thankful that we have a warm place to reside in the winter and a cool place in the summer.

I’m thankful for family and friends. Sometimes there are rough spots, but when you love each other you can get through anything.

I’m praying that the hatred for cops will end. I’m praying that the division between Americans will come to and end soon. We are more alike than different. We all want basically the same things.

I’m thankful for waking up each morning. I’m thankful for every breath of air I take in. I’m thankful to be alive.

I want to wish each and everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate. If you don’t I wish to a wonderful and thankful day.

What are you thankful for today?

Image Credit: MiMi King