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Wordless Wednesday

(WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon. WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words.

Go to my sidebar and click on the Wordless code.

Paste the code under your picture, the add your name and link.

Image Credit:Click on Image

Made of solid gold, The History Supreme, is the most expensive yacht in the world and is reportedly owned by Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Knok. It took 3 years for the 100 feet long yacht to have been built, using 10,000 kilograms of solid gold and platinum and is designed by the renowned luxury designer from the UK, Stuart Hughes. The gold and platinum adorn the yacht from its base to the dining area, deck, rails, staircase and anchor. The most extravagant aspect of the luxury yacht is its master bedroom that with a wall feature made from meteorite rock and a statue made from genuine Tyrannosaurus Rex bones. The master suite is adorned with a 68 kg 24-carat gold Aquavista Panoramic Wall Aquarium and a liquor bottle featuring a rare 18.5 carat diamond. Price: $4.8 Billion

1. Comedy Plus
2. bethere2day
3. Mail4Rosey
4. Zoolatry ~ Wondering
5. messymimi’s meanderings
6. Princess Leah
7. Animal Shelter Vol. Life
8. Jeanne Foguth
9. Brian’s Home
10. Margs Animals
11. Purrseidon
12. 15andmeowing
13. Angelic Clowder
15. A ShutterBug Explores
16. Thanksgiving Decorations
17. Irene
18. Thankful
19. Cynical Sailor
20. Laila & Minchie
21. Angelswhisper
22. Woodsterman
23. Pam & Teddy
24. Florida Furkids
25. Canadian Cats
26. Hairballs and Hissyfits
27. Willy & Fluffy
28. Sweet Purrfections
29. Adventures in Weseland
30. Carry Loves Cats
31. My Minds Eye
32. Kitties Blue
33. WW #17 “November”
34. Noir Kitty Mews
35. The Island Cats
36. Gracie=^o.o^=
37. The OP Pack
38. Rusty Ring
39. La Mamarazzi
40. Shiju Sugunan
41. The Ched Curtain
42. Sara Chapman
43. Sara Chapman II
44. Sara Chapman III
45. Sara Chapman IV
46. Create with Joy
47. CatSynth
48. Lea’s Menagerie
49. Tots & Me
50. Heartsie Girl
51. Leslie
52. Gattina
53. Christine
54. Alsterdeern
55. Forgetfulone
56. TheSkyGirl
57. Life at Rossmont
58. Bill
59. Klara S
60. Beth F
61. Deb Nance
62. Carmen
63. Comfort Spring
64. Image-in-ing
65. Dr. Kottaway
66. SuziQ
67. Peppylady
68. Les in OR
69. Ericka
70. Klara, Brussels
71. Kathe W.
72. Autumn is Here
73. Sunlight is Painting
74. Robert M Goldstein
75. Jewelry Haven
76. Spider-Man
77. Kids Furniture
78. Natasha Sinha

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