The Big Shot

A big shot business man had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees. None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him. The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him. She walked into his room and announced, “I have to take your temperature.”

After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down, crossed his arms and opened his mouth.

“No, I’m sorry, the nurse stated, “but for this reading, I can’t use an oral thermometer.”

This started another round of complaining, but eventually he rolled over and bared his behind. After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce, “I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAT until I get back!”

She leaves the door to his room open on her way out. He curses under his breath as he hears people walking past his door, laughing. After almost an hour, the man’s doctor comes into the room.

“What’s going on here?” asked the doctor.

Angrily, the man answers, “What’s the matter, Doc? Haven’t you ever seen someone having their temperature taken before?”

After a pause, the doctor replies, “Yes, but never with a daffodil!”

Hat tip: Paul of Mr. Cruiser’s Notes
Image Credit: Mountainside Medical Equipment

51 thoughts on “The Big Shot

  1. Paul Pietrangelo says:

    Ha,ha,ha. It's funny when I read it the first time and it's still funny now. I got to thinking about when I was in the hospital last year. I wonder if that laughing down the hall was about the patient like him. Ha,ha,ha. Have a wonderful Tuesday Sandee. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. cube says:

    First, I'll never look a daffodils the same way 😉 Second, I believe nurses are angels on earth and I would never cross them… doctors yes, nurses no. Doctors come in for 2 minutes, but the nurses are there all day long.

  3. Lucky Lady says:

    lol that was a good one, I agree with cube I was in the hospital 2 weeks and most of the nurses were angels-one young lady took her break to come show me clips of castle because she knew I like that show 🙂

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