Story Game

StoryGameIt’s time to play The Story Game again. Here’s how it works. I’ll start a story. You continue it in comments. Each commenter picks up where the last left off. In a few days I’ll give it an ending and post our story with the links to everyone who participated under the heading, “Contributing Authors”.

You can play as many times as you want. If someone derails the story will one of you put it back on track? Thanks for playing along and have a great ♥♥♥Valentines Day♥♥♥.

Here’s the beginning of our new story: Seymour, the pet rock, is wanting to reconnect with all his kids, but that mean Sandee adopted them out to people from all over the USA. Seymour doesn’t know where all his kids are and he’s decided to…

Here’s the link to all the Seymour POSTS